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[February 24th]

hi guys! this is jessalyn goyle, gregory's future mother. she is an only child from a power hungry family who demanded she marry higher than their status. so she was married once before to a much older man who disappeared after he started whispering muggle support. she is an art collector who holds charity events aka social gatherings for other voldemort supporters. she was a slytherin, is probably older than everyone here, but we can have fun! i need mr. goyle, 40+ pbs, other diagon alley shop owners, etc
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[February 18th]
hi everyone! i wanted to throw this up before i actually post ic for him, but this is lucius malfoy. i'm sure i don't need to get too into who he is or anything, but i would love to figure out who he's friends with, who maybe he begrudgingly trusts and maybe people he's had run ins with in the past. i have that he's not on the board of governor's for hogwarts yet, he mostly just helps run malfoy apothecary. as per canon, he's high up with the death eaters, but he's also very good about being hands-off so it's never him who gets in trouble. anyways! i am down for whatever!
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[February 12th]
hi everyone! i'm hoping to bring in marlene mckinnon and was looking for an invite/some lines for her. she's an auror and member of the order of the phoenix, which means that her downtime is when she's sleeping. she's pretty intense and loves what she does. marlene has a sense of right vs. wrong that isn't easily swayed and dislikes people that are perpetually in the grey area (make up your mind, folks!!). when she's not working or hanging around the order house, she's practicing her dueling and getting ready to take down some death eaters. anyway, i'm hoping to find a few former flings, someone at the department of magical law enforcement that's always trying to get her to loosen up, a roommate, death eaters that she's investigating, anything!
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[February 12th]

hello team! things all moved a bit faster than i expected, and apologies for being on your fp twice in a mo, but i'm here to throw in for some lines! this is felicity gale, a muggleborn former hufflepuff and current seeker for the holyhead harpies. she's the leslie knope of the team, pushing herself to work as hard as possible for her team and encouraging the other girls around her to do the same. on the pitch she can be fairly ruthless, oftentimes throwing herself into dangerous situations and being more reckless in her efforts to capture the snitch, whereas off the pitch she's certainly more reserved. she's the kind of person, though, to always remember a birthday and order flowers or sweets for said day, or make an effort to make anyone feel included or noticed. loyalty guides her, more than anything else, and she often spends more time focusing on those around her than herself. honestly, she's 'puff through and through - hardworking, loyal, kind, and tenacious, and isn't afraid to show it. that being said, i'd love lines of any kind! the only thing i have so far is bffs with [info]wesleya but i'd love to talk with all of you! former housemates/teammates, others involved with quidditch, cynics annoyed by her persistently sunshiney nature, anything at all! throw it at me.
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[February 11th]

Hi. I have Jessamyn Birchgrove to offer. Jessamyn is thirty-two, a former Ravenclaw, and a half-blood. Her family has owned Birchgrove Botanicals for generations and Jess works for them. Sometimes you'll see her behind the counter, but more often she's afield, collecting rare magical plants, or working in the family greenhouses in Sussex. Jess is funny, feisty, and very independent. At the moment she is neutral, though with an interest in the Order; she'll eventually throw in with them.

I'm looking for connections of any sort, save for a romantic interest. I have her with three sisters, but that could change is someone is interested in a sibling line. Cousins or other relatives welcomed as well. Former classmates would be great, as well as customers. Enemies? Sure, bring 'em on. Her info is open for anyone to read, so feel free to do so if you're interested.
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[February 9th]

let me apologize now, i am going to have her on this fp twice really soon. but in the mean time, now that she is accepted i thought i'd toss talyah here out for some lines. she is [info]mtrevor's twin sister. i'm torn on her occupation, healer or auror. thoughts and ideas would be welcome! she's snarky, reserved and can be very competitive. grew up in london, her mother is a pureblood, father is a muggle born. played quidditch in school. i currently have her in london, but i can easily tweak that if someone wants a neighbor or something. she has a good friend in [info]philius they were that weird opposites attract sort of friendship in school and it stuck. really anything and everything would be great.
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[February 8th]

just letting everyone know i added all the latest death eaters who have been added to the comm to the ooc de custom here!
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[February 3rd]

all apologies for being doubled up on your friends' page, i promise i'll be out of your hair as quickly as possible, but i want all of your love and attention and this is the best way to get it. SO. hello hello, this is your resident queen of arrogance and... cigarettes, probably. she's 27, married to rodolphus, former slytherin, obsessed with voldemort, blah blah blah. she's brutally blunt, deeply manipulative, and has a roaring temper that can be triggered anytime, anyplace, but more than anything she's an anarchist who likes to be reckless and destructive for the pure chaos of it. younger bella, for anyone who was in school with her or raised within the social hierarchy of the sacred 28, was likely a pureblood dream girl, very prim and mannerly (even sweet), though she was often using that as a front to cover up some sort of (mainly harmless) mischief. i think that duality is still alive and well, though the facade slips further and further every day, and the mischief is much messier. all that said, i would liken her more to your bitchy older cousin who's in a punk band than the unhinged mess we've seen in the trio era because, well... she's got twenty years to get there.

line-wise, i would loooove at least one person who was raised with her and always thought of her as the "fun cousin" until her antics started to take a darker turn, an order-sided slytherin male (is this a thing? please let it be a thing) from her year at hogwarts whose alignment tore their lifelong best friendship apart, a couple of people with whom she's been extramaritally intimate, any members or associates of the noble and most ancient house because i know there are some floating around, AND ANYTHING ELSE WE CAN COOK UP. death eaters, order members, rebels, neutrals, get over here and let me love you, even if she doesn't.
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[February 2nd]

hey! i am thinking about bringing emmeline to join all of you. i believe i'll be using lily james as a pb. the emmeline i have in mind is 26, a former ravenclaw and probably working as an unspeakable unless there is already an order character there (i assume they'd want to spread the love career-wise!). emmeline is a muggleborn but has acclimated very well to the magical world and is a part of the order because she wants to keep the world safe for children like her that belong among witches and wizards even if they hadn't known about the world. she is inquisitive, empathetic, hardworking and sometimes (and often unintentionally) goofy. she likes to experiment with recipes and shares what she creates with her friends... sometimes they're lucky, sometimes they're not so lucky!

i'd love to come up with some fun lines for her as i get her app together!
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[January 28th]

hey guys! i thought i would introduce malcolm flint, since he was just accepted. he's 31, former slytherin, who was top of his class and prefect as well as head boy. he has always worked hard, and he values intelligence and hard work above anything else. he has worked at the ministry, department of magical law, wizengamot now for six years. he has been involved as a death eater ever since he left hogwarts, but he is not one to jump into action before really thinking things through. he has always been the more cunning and quiet type, that stand back and observe. but you do not want to meet him in a duel. if you have him as a friend, he will be your forever loyal. he's careful with voicing his opinions, so he has become a very trusted employee at the ministry.

if he can fill anything, let me know! so far he is close friends with ~evelynt and ~keavery. he needs male friends, an ex-girlfriend for something recent, people he knew from hogwarts, co-workers, flings. anything!
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[January 27th]
greetings! i am bringing you vanessa bettencourt, a 32 year old seer and owner of "crystal visions" which specializes in readings, tarot cards, crystals, and holistic remedies for all. she is highly empathetic and reads the energies of those around her which leaves her exhausted and fainty. so she spends quite a good bit of time in st. mungos where she's just happy and shrugging people off despite actually needing rest. vanessa can't keep quiet when she feels a premonition coming on from a stranger and has been known to stop people on the street or in stores to help explain their future. which doesn't really go over that well. her main mission in life is to help people and to make them happy and honestly she means well. she's a former ravenclaw from a long line of gryffindor quidditch legends who don't understand her at all.

she needs a little of everything! flings of either gender, people she's given readings to, frequent visitors of her shop, folks who like to get high with her, everything! currently what i have collected: [info]keavery is her random friend from hogwarts, [info]allistaire is an unlikely friend who came in to her shop and needed more readings and then they turned out to be friends, [info]avagarde is the healer at st. mungos who seems to always take care of her, [info]liddi is her shop neighbor and she frequently visits to give them free readings
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[January 25th]

SUP BBS, to all three of you who maybe remember me from my being at the comm way back at the beginning i've missed you so much, and to everyone else i am so looking forward to getting to know all your characters! this is wisdan coldwell, purist extraordinaire who makes no effort to hide where his sympathies lie and marked death eater (not quite so open about that one, since his fam's just been shipped off to azkaban) - he's kind of a nightmare to either side, because while on the one hand, he's a complete fanatic and vicious murderer, he's also really into the idea of the death eaters all being one big happy family, possibly because his biological one is fucked in all sorts of ways. behavior-wise, he's the exact opposite of your typical doom-and-gloom death eater (unless you're an unsavory sort); he's exceedingly nice and warm to upstanding purebloods and even more so to fellow death eaters and he wants to have fun all the time, though his idea of fun is questionable at best and downright highly illegal at worst - he likes long walks on the beach, talking with his european adders, and a nice evening of cruciatus, and he has started campfire songs at death eater meetings. this playful/crazy demeanor is why it tends to come as a surprise when he cracks the whip to get others in line (he's probably losing his mind in a fit of I TOLD YOU SO at all of them in azkaban right now), but that delicate balance is also why he tends to take a good number of baby death eaters under his wing as an on-the-job trainer. he's an active recruiter for their cause and uses his job as owner and editor of a publishing company to quietly push both purist and death eater propaganda, while his father and brother are more engrossed in the illegal magical creatures trade - even so, if you have a need for it, let him know. back in school his nice, friendly persona applied to everyone, not just purebloods, but once his family started drowning in scandal after his mother was sent to azkaban for murdering his squib sister, he started to shut down and become a lot more insular, and likely got involved in voldemort's silly shenanigans before he'd even finished school. as far as lines go, i would love ANYTHING, seriously. baby death eaters for him to corral, older ones who have mixed opinions on the methods to his madness but kind of respect him in a weird way (he's doing the non-magical dirty work you wouldn't do, okay!), an auror or rebel who knows his death eater mask by heart and tends to seek him out during conflicts - it's like an ongoing game where the loser dies, connections on any of the possible alleys, maybe a death eater a year or two his senior that got him into this whole mess when he was at his most vulnerable? someone bring me evan rosier so they can be the obnoxiously cheerful death eater welcoming committee.
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[January 24th]

because this girl needs to get into the action. this is tallulah avery. 28, former slytherin and slug club member. she owns and runs a potions shop in diagon alley (name tba). her parents are purists, but she's a bit of a black sheep and not into all the purism. her dad is hardcore purist, and her mother worships the ground he walks on. tallulah fakes being a follower very very well. she's been initiated, or going to be initiated into the death eaters to please her father even though she's not sure she wants to be a part of it. and eventually she'll be a rebel.

she's sassy, confident, and speaks her mind. she has a temper when provoked. she can play the bitch very well, but would like to keep to herself. in a way she's alienated herself from her parents in the form of potions, but they still come back to drag her into things she didn't want to be involved in. she's always got a guard up, especially now. she's trained in occulemency thanks to [info]zillah, who is also her best friend.

basically, i'm looking for everything. from friends to people for her to fool, order members she can come in contact with anonymously. enemies would be fun! i'm all up for brainstorming too!!
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[January 21st]

for all you rebels: i put up an ooc post here (mod journal, you're added too). it is not yet pretty, please don't judge me. if you're part of the rebellion and you can't see the post, please let me know and i'll add you right away! i've managed to forget everybody who's involved already. 😳 de rebels, what's your status?

if you're not part of the rebellion but would like to be, let me know!
9 post comment

[January 21st]

aloha! so i'm thinking of bringing you pippa someone (i was thinking rowle but not sure yet. does anyone need a squib cousin?). she's 25 years old, born believing she was a pureblood witch who just came out incompetent. years were spent trying to force magic out of her but to no avail so when she officially did not get into hogwarts, her parents decided that the best thing to do was take advantage of her status as oldest child in the house and put her to work. she nannied for her three younger siblings, her parents choosing to keep her out of the public at all, even away from muggle schools. when she turned 16, the truth came out that her real father was actually a muggle-born wizard her mother had a short lived affair with. that was officially enough to write off her father's loyalty to her and while her mother secretly funded her to get on her feet, pip was sent out on her own. because she had no education, it was difficult for her to find a job but she waitressed for a while in muggle london, deciding then that she would live her life as a muggle. it was easier; less shameful. she found her passions in the arts and enrolled herself in guitar lessons, formed a band, travelled, and completely forgot her woes until a targeted attack just last year woke her from her bliss. since then, she's been involved in the rebellion ~faiz has going on, working as a liaison between the muggle and magical worlds in london and vicinity. the terror she saw on the muggles faces absolutely left its mark on her because even though she's a squib and could do absolutely nothing to retaliate, pip knew what was going on. she knew it was the workings of dark magic but they were clueless and helpless.

since being a part if ~faiz's rebellion, she's put her music on hold. she now works for ~julesy, still waitresses part time in clapham, london and still lives in her muggle world so as she can keep a better watch on the goings on. personality wise, she's like the eccentric mother you've never had. pip believes in the healing powers of crystals and essential oils, she's big on yoga, and health. she smokes an awful lot of weed and is absolutely in love with george harrison. so mostly, i need family, friends, a love interest, past love interests who broke up with her after finding out what she was. she needs death eaters to haunt her, other folks involved in the rebellion, a current flat mate. okay, hit me with your best shot!
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[January 20th]

hello mordres! i'm bringing in jadrian "jade" webb, a muggleborn auror who takes zero shit from death eaters and won't stop until they're all in azkaban where they belong.

she's 27 years old and a former gryffindor. while at hogwarts she was very studious and was definitely an annoying brown noser to all the professors. as the first witch in her family she was revered by her parents at a young age and they supported her completely. they've kept her identity silent from the rest of her family, until recently. her cousin's son just received his letter, so she's been helping his family get acquainted into the wizarding world.

anyway, after hogwarts jadrian was accepted into the auror interning program, where she was taught by some of the greats, including alastor moody himself. since earning her auror's badge she's been involved with many investigations, but she specializes in crimes involving muggleborns. so you can imagine how busy this new war has kept her.

right now she's living with her best friend and fellow magnificent muggleborn [info]julsey in diagon alley, while also working undercover at the new muggle shop. the only people who know she's undercover are jules, other aurors, and her auror partner (OPEN) everyone else just thinks she working there bc she's a muggleborn. she's kept her auror career a secret for the most part, only those she's aided know about her double life.

personality wise she's very warm, passionate, friendly, and caring. she has a tendency to get in over her head at times, but she never gives up. even when the odds are against her or her side. she needs everything, basically. friends, other aurors, her partner(!) people she's helped in one way or another, people who've helped her, other aurors, or anything really. and if we can't think of a connection i'm always up for organic lines and random scenes!
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[January 18th]

hello everyone! i'm so excited about this comm it's unreal! so this is avagarde greengrass, the 37-year-old baby sister among her four purist siblings. she never really fit in with her family and was seen as the household embarrassment (sorted into ravenclaw instead of slytherin- the usual family tradition, kind-hearted and compassionate--though always showing off sharp sarcasm and a quick sense of humor, more interested in talking about books than blood politics). though it could sometimes appear like she was embarrassed of them, the shame and guilt her family threw on her back always made her feel alienated and unworthy. she was always open to different bloodlines and after her first romantic entanglement with a halfblood, her heart became very soft towards blood tolerance. staying neutral felt like her only option (to avoid total family disownment vs staying true to what she believed in). she's currently a healer at st. mungo's (4th floor, spell damage) where she's often praised for healing both physically and mentally during their time at the hospital (via immense skill and a contagious sense of humor) -- though behind a really great reputation, she is holding some of her own questionable malpractice secrets (aaand maybe a few others) that could potentially speak for her loyalties... but also potentially land her ass in azkaban if she isn't careful.

she's very close with her niece, [info]zillah, who she'd agreed to help with whatever she needs from her as she explores her rebellion against voldy (which kind of goes for anyone rebelling once they learn to trust her). she dated [info]liddi for a little while before ava decided to end things when liddie didn't seem as committed as she wanted her to be. lets get crafty! i'd love to hear from other st. mungo's staff and some of her relatives/family friends. it'd be awesome to get friends from businesses she frequents, potentially past/present patients/family of patients she connected with, maybe an ex or two of either gender, and a purist her family tried to set her up with hoping she'd be swayed to be like the rest of the family (something that definitely did not work out). i know she's a little out of the common age range but we can get creative!
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[January 17th]

hello!! i am pretty excited for this character so here we go: this is jules delacroix, a muggle born witch, former hufflepuff, and 27 years old. she owns a bakery/pastry shop in diagon alley and as for alignment she is still neutral. overall, she is sweet, and mostly neutral because she is afraid to be open about any disdain she has against the death eaters. i'd love a bff, exes, people who have vandalized her shop because she is muggle born, and regular customers who come in for the sweets. she will be a true to the book hufflepuff, loyal, kind, but definitely strong willed so give me all the things
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[January 17th]

extra, extra, read all about it! keep your virtues close because rita is here to share them with the wizarding world. currently she is a twenty-seven year old gossip columnist who is hungry af for the next story that will get her name on the front page. while she is only the gossip correspondent, her dream is for a head reporter gig, and she's certain that all of her snooping is going to pay off. she's also writing a tell-all about former headmaster of hogwarts, armando dippet that'll come out probably in the spring.

rita was an ugly duckling who used magic and wit to get back at the haters, taught herself how to become an animagus and used it to snoop around hogwarts to get dirt on her bullies. she now expects the best out of herself and others because she believes she deserves the best and is 87% delusional. she is a fragile thing under the persona she's created, but very few people will ever see that because she's kind of forgotten what it's like to take the mask off at this point. she's a shmoozer and will do pretty much anything to get the story. and while she is fully aware that there's a war going on, she is 100% terrified of voldemort and his supporters and can be seen at functions kissing their asses because she is a giant chicken shit and doesn't want to be cursed. she's promiscuous as hell and is unapologetic about it, so she could use flings of either gender to keep her entertained.

there's a screened gossip post here that i would love for you guys to utilize because if not, she's just going to start making shit up.
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[January 16th]

help me mordres, you're my only hope! i've been looking at this comm for awhile and i wanted to know who you'd like to see come in. i'm juggling a few ideas but i wanted to hear from you guys <3
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