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Wizarding World Threading

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[Sep. 6th, 2015|07:40 am]

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Who: August Pye & Open!
When: September 6th, Early Morning
Where: Great Hall
What: Early morning breakfast!
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Status: Incomplete

Prey weren't partial to having predators living among them. )
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[Aug. 21st, 2015|04:23 pm]

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WHO: Inigo & OPEN (MW)
WHAT: Back-to-School special at The Starry Prophesier.
WHERE: Knockturn Alley, London
WHEN: Weekend of 21st-23rd

Keep your wands sheathed and I do mean that in every sense of the phrase. )
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[Aug. 17th, 2015|11:52 am]

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Who: Splendid and August
When: August 17, Afternoon
Where: Three Broomsticks
What: First Meeting
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Incomplete

----- )
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