
July 23rd, 2014



Is a better home awaiting?

WHO: The Luteces & Pinkie Pie
WHERE: Sonheim Square
WHEN: Wednesday, 23 July, Mid-morning
WHAT: Gathering evidence/exploration/and finding a place to work
WARNINGS: None that I can think of, will update if anything does happen.
STATUS: Completed

In the sky, in the sky )



Oh, can't you see

Who: Peeta and Santana
When: Wednesday, 7/23, just before sundown.
Where: in town, near Hell's Kitchen
What: Peeta and Santana run into a friend on the walk home.
Warnings: Santana's mouth; character death

you belong to me )

No Subject

WHO: Agent Barnes and Clint Barton, and later Natasha Romanoff. Oh, and Jefferson's body.
WHERE: Near the playground and then in search of an industrial freezer
WHEN: After this conversation
WHAT: Guarding some remains, nbd
WARNINGS: Likely a lot of hostility and almost guaranteed to contain some violence

look, mom. i saved dad! )