[Dec. 22nd, 2010|02:54 pm] |
Maeve - Merry Christmas. I saw this and thought of you.
( enclosed... ) |
The 12 Days of Christmas - Days 8 & 9 |
[Dec. 20th, 2010|01:22 am] |
There is no gift on either of these days. Instead, one member of each wizarding household receives only a small note. It reads -
On the 19th: "I warned you. - Your True Love" On the 20th: "You ought to have listened. - Your True Love"
Once read, each note turns to dust in your hand. |
The 12 Days of Christmas - Day 7 |
[Dec. 18th, 2010|02:10 pm] |
Today there is no deliver. Instead, exactly twenty four hours after it was delivered, yesterday's goose egg cracks open to reveal a statue of a black swan. The egg shards disappear, but the statue remains.
It does not seem to do anything, or hold any magical properties. However, it is also impossible to destroy, if you try. |
The 12 Days of Christmas - Day 6 |
[Dec. 17th, 2010|06:25 pm] |
Today in the post, every wizarding household receives a plainly wrapped parcel. It contains a rather large goose egg with a familiar rune painted in black on the side.
It just sits there, nothing happens. It does not disappear, there is no note or whisper. The only thing odd is that you'll find it impossible to break, if you try, and you cannot tell what is inside of it. |
The 12 Days of Christmas - Day 5 |
[Dec. 16th, 2010|06:50 pm] |
In the post one member of every wizarding family today received a non-descript package containing one golden ring.
For those who put it on, you will feel immense pain as it immediately begins to contract, feeling as if it's about to cut off your finger. No spell will remove it. However, before the pain becomes unbearable, the ring will turn to dust.
Those who leave it in the box, after about five minutes it turns black, then turns to dust.
There is no message from Your True Love this time. |
The 12 Days of Christmas - Day 4 |
[Dec. 15th, 2010|05:10 pm] |
In the post today, one member of every wizarding household receives a note bearing nothing but this rune. It is delivered by a blackbird.
Runes experts - the rune is unidentifiable, but what you can determine is that it is very, very old.
( Spoiler note )
Once you have seen the rune, the paper will dissolve and a message appears in the air that reads "Your True Love" and then fades away, just as it has every day. |
The 12 Days of Christmas - Day 3 |
[Dec. 14th, 2010|05:51 pm] |
In the post today, one member of every wizarding household receives a box containing one golden egg.
When the box is opened, the egg begins to shake and crack - when it cracks open a baby chick emerges that quickly ages into a French hen and flies away. It flies a few feet, then disappears, but as it disappears you hear a whisper that says, again, "They're coming."
Then a message appears in the air that reads \ "Your True Love" and then fades away, just as it did yesterday. |
The 12 Days of Christmas - Day 2 |
[Dec. 13th, 2010|04:37 pm] |
In the post today, one member of every wizarding household receives a note delivered, with no signature or return mark, by a turtle dove.
The note reads "They're coming." And after it is read, both the note and the turtledove dissolve into dust.
As it dissolves, a message in the dust in the air reads "Your True Love" and then fades away, just as it did yesterday. |
The 12 Days of Christmas - Day 1 |
[Dec. 12th, 2010|11:30 am] |
In the post today, one member of every wizarding household received a fresh pear, which, when touched, is charmed to turn into a partridge and fly away. As it flies away, a message in the air reads Your True Love and then fades away. |