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Jan. 25th, 2009 @ 09:07 am Desperation Samba, Chapter 2
Current Mood: artistic

Fandom: BtVS

Rating: This chapter FRU, evetually FRAO

Pairing: Eventually Willow/Giles. Brief mention of Willow/Kennedy

Summary: Willow ends her relationship with Kennedy and tries to make a new life for herself

Spoilers: none, really

Feedback: Pretty please. Constructive criticism is always welcome. If you want to flame me, well okay, I have chainsaws.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (if I did Willow would be with Giles where she belongs!); I just hijack them and take them out for a joyride every now and then. Also, I have no beta, so any and all mistakes are solely mine.

Warnings: mentions non-cosensual sex, but nothing graphic

Authour's Notes: forgive me if the Portuguese isn't right; I used an online translation website. I may know some Spanish, a little German, and thanks to Carla a tiny bit of Italian, but I do not know Portuguese! 

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Dec. 20th, 2008 @ 05:48 am What Tomorrow Brings, Chapter Seven
Current Mood: pleased

Fandom: BtVS

Rating: FRAO

Pairing: Willow/Giles of course! with a very brief mention of Willow/Kennedy (the skanky bitch)

Setting: AU Post-'Chosen'

Summary: Life after the destruction of Sunnydale. If you couldn't tell, I suck at summaries.

Spoilers: None

Status: WIP

Feedback: Pretty please. Constructive criticism is always welcome and appreciated. If you want to flame me, well okay; I have cattle prods. And chainsaws.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (if I did Willow would be with Giles where she belongs!); I just hijack them and take them out for a joyride every now and then. Also, I have no beta, so any and all mistakes are solely mine.

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Dec. 17th, 2008 @ 04:02 pm First chapter of an untitled (for now) Willow/Giles fic!
Fandom: BtVS
Rating: This chapter FRU, evetually FRAO
Pairing: Eventually Willow/Giles. Brief mention of Willow/Kennedy
Summary: Willow ends her relationship with Kennedy and tries to make a new life for herself
Spoilers: none, really
Word Count: 796
Feedback: Pretty please. Constructive criticism is always welcome. If you want to flame me, well okay, I have chainsaws.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (if I did Willow would be with Giles where she belongs!); I just hijack them and take them out for a joyride every now and then. Also, I have no beta, so any and all mistakes are solely mine.
Warnings: mentions non-consensual sex, but nothing graphic
Author's Notes: forgive me if the Portuguese isn't right; I used an online translation website. I may know some Spanish, a little German, and thanks to Carla a tiny bit of Italian, but I do not know Portuguese!   

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Nov. 14th, 2008 @ 08:12 pm Mutuality, Chapter 3
Fandom: BtVS
Rating: Eventually FRAO (this chapter U)
Pairing: Willow/Giles (who else?)
Summary:Willow cares for Giles after his experience at the hands of Angelus
Spoilers: AU post-Becoming, part 2

Feedback: Pretty please. Constructive criticism is always welcome. If you want to flame me, well okay, I have cattle prods. And chainsaws.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (if I did Willow would be with Giles where she belongs!); I just hijack them and take them out for a joyride every now and then. Also, I have no beta, so any and all mistakes are solely mine.

Author's Notes: This fic includes consensual sex between an adult and a legal minor (16-17 year old). If this squicks you, then pass it by. Also I have arbitrarily picked June 24 for Willow's birthday, since I don't recall it mentioned on the show as to when it is. After all, Buffy's birthday seems to have been established as being in January, and Willow is supposed to be 'younger' than Buffy.

Read more... )

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Oct. 22nd, 2008 @ 09:10 am What Tomorrow Brings, Chapter Six

Fandom: BtVS
Rating: Eventually FRAO, this chpater U
Pairing: Willow/Giles, who else?
Summary: After the destruction of Sunnydale, Giles and Willow set out to rebuild the Watcher's Council

Spoilers: none, really

Word count: this chapter 1137

Feedback: Pretty please. Constructive criticism is always welcome. If you want to flame me, well okay, I have chainsaws.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (if I did Willow would be with Giles where she belongs!); I just hijack them and take them out for a joyride every now and then. Also, I have no beta, so any and all mistakes are solely mine.

Author's notes: Sorry this chapter is so slow-going. I'm trying to pick things up; get things moving along, but my muse is being uncooperative, as usual. 

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Oct. 12th, 2008 @ 01:22 pm Fic: Dreams Come True by Scratchingpost1
Current Mood: accomplished

Title: Dreams Come True
Rating: FRAO
Written for: </a></b></a>[info]oreadno1
Prompt: Willow/Giles, post-Chosen. Halloween/Samhain in London, possibly a 'discussion' (or more) of her season 2 Halloween costume?
Word Count: 1209
Disclaimer: These are not my characters. They belong to Joss, Twentieth Century Fox, UPN, WB & Mutant Enemy. This is purely for fun.
Note: This was supposed to be a drabble or a short ficlet, but my muse finally kicked in and made it longer. I guess it's really a short story now. Though there's really not much story to it.

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Aug. 14th, 2008 @ 07:39 pm Mutuality, Chapter 2

Fandom: BtVS

Rating: Eventually FRAO (this chapter U)

Pairing: Wiilow/Giles (who else?)

Summary:Willow cares for Giles after his experience at the hands of Angelus

Spoilers: AU post-Becoming, part 2

Feedback: Pretty please. Constructive criticism is always welcome. If you want to flame me, well okay, I have cattle prods. And chainsaws.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (if I did Willow would be with Giles where she belongs!); I just hijack them and take them out for a joyride every now and then. Also, I have no beta, so any and all mistakes are solely mine.

Author's Notes: This fic includes consensual sex between an adult and a legal minor (16-17 year old). If this squicks you, then pass it by. Also I have arbitrarily picked June 24 for Willow's birthday, since I don't recall it mentioned on the show as to when it is. After all, Buffy's birthday seems to have been established as being in January, and Willow is supposed to be 'younger' than Buffy.


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Jul. 29th, 2008 @ 09:11 am Mutuality, Chapter 1

Fandom: BtVS

Rating: Eventually FRAO (this chapter U)

Pairing: Wiilow/Giles (who else?)

Summary:Willow cares for Giles after his experience at the hands of Angelus

Spoilers: AU post-Becoming, part 2

Feedback: Pretty please. Constructive criticism is always welcome. If you want to flame me, well okay, I have cattle prods. And chainsaws.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (if I did Willow would be with Giles where she belongs!); I just hijack them and take them out for a joyride every now and then. Also, I have no beta, so any and all mistakes are solely mine.

Author's Notes: This fic includes consensual sex between an adult and a legal minor (16-17 year old). If this squicks you, then pass it by. Also I have arbitrarily picked June 24 for Willow's birthday, since I don't recall it mentioned on the show as to when it is. After all, Buffy's birthday seems to have been established as being in January, and Willow is supposed to be 'younger' than Buffy.


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Jun. 28th, 2008 @ 07:34 am Fic: Keys to Heaven
Title: Keys to Heaven
Rating: FRT
Pairings: mostly genfic, but there is some Giles/Willow
Summary: After the final battle with The First, Rupert Giles faces something worse than any demon: a human determined to save the world at any cost.
Timeline: Post-chosen

Read the story here.
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Jun. 2nd, 2008 @ 07:58 pm Compassion

Fandom: BtVS

Rating: PG

Pairing: Willow/Giles

Summary: Willow helps Giles in the aftermath of Jenny's murder

Spoilers: Post-Passion

Feedback: Pretty please. Constructive criticism is always welcome. If you want to flame me, well okay, I have cattle prods. And chainsaws.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (if I did Willow would be with Giles where she belongs!); I just hijack them and take them out for a joyride every now and then. Also, I have no beta, so any and all mistakes are solely mine. And if Joss takes it in his head to sue me, then I'll give him my collection of musicals on DVD.

Author's Note: Thanks to

[info]toimhseachan for the help! You know what you did!


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Jan. 10th, 2008 @ 08:32 pm What Tomorrow Brings, Chapter 5
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Jan. 7th, 2008 @ 03:46 pm What Tomorrow Brings, Chapter 4
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Jun. 25th, 2007 @ 05:13 pm Before the Fire---the sequel to Warming Up
Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Double Vision---Foreigner

Fandom: BtVS

Rating: FRU

Pairing: Willow/Giles

Summary: Willow and Giles discuss their feelings. Sequel to Warming Up.

Spoilers: for all of BtVS, I guess

Setting: AU Post-Chosen

Feedback: Pretty please. Constructive criticism is always welcome. If you want to flame me, well okay, I have chainsaws.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (if I did Willow would be with Giles where she belongs!); I just hijack them and take them out for a joyride every now and then. Also, I have no beta, so any and all mistakes are solely mine.


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Jun. 24th, 2007 @ 01:48 pm A ficlet
Current Mood: ditzy

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Jun. 18th, 2007 @ 07:00 pm What Tomorrow Brings, Chapter 3
Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Way Down East

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Jun. 18th, 2007 @ 10:20 am Drabble: Morning, Ever After (Willow/Giles) PG/FRT
I wrote this for my dear and adored [info]oreadno1. I hope you like this, Kathy. It's been a long time coming. For the rest of you, I hope you like my extremely rare foray into the world of Willow/Giles.


Title: Morning, Ever After

Author: Gabrielle

Pairing: Willow/Giles

Rating: FRT/PG

Word Count: 162

Summary: For now, not forever.

Feedback: Please.

Distribution: Here, my LJ, and my site only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: This was written for an anniversary...but not mine. This is an extremely late second writing anniversary present for the marvelous [info]oreadno1 who has been my friend since before either one of us even knew fanfiction existed. I hope she enjoys it.

Morning, Ever After )
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Jun. 13th, 2007 @ 06:53 pm What Tomorrow Brings, Chapter 2
Current Mood: geeky

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Jun. 13th, 2007 @ 06:51 pm What Tomorrow Brings, Chapter 1
Current Mood: creative

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Jun. 7th, 2007 @ 12:51 am Warming Up---A Willow/Giles Ficlet
Current Mood: tired

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Jun. 6th, 2007 @ 12:26 pm (no subject)

Welcome to the home of all things Willow/Giles. I hope to see lots of posts. I will be posting some of my W/G fanfic in the future (be kind...it's not that great!) and hope everyone will do the same with fanfics, graphics, fanart, anything Willow/Giles.

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