The Wild Hunt Threads
Eerie Harbor was just an average, midsized town on the island of Clio when a Portal opened up on one of the farms just outside town. Now Strangers are coming through, and while the local government has offered assistance to keep them off the streets and help them integrate with the local community, things are suddenly a little more exciting around town...

June 2021



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Posts Tagged: 'belladonna+sunberry'

Mar. 8th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Chester & Belladonna
What: Making the walls bleed
When: Sunday evening
Where: Alder 104
Status: Ongoing, Closed
Warnings: TBD, Obligatory body horror (body is impaled) cause Chester, ghosts, blood, the walls are bleeding and so is Chester, Belladonna is a cutie patootie,

Tim's got me tinkin' so let's try somethang yeah? )

Jul. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

Who: Everyone!
What: Triage!
When: Wednesday!
Where: On the edge of town, near the battlefield...
Status: Ongoing, Open
Warnings: TBD, violence, injury, battle scenes

Healers are hard at work tending the wounded... )

Jun. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

Who: Open to everyone!
What: The Pride Parade and Afterparty at Moxie!
When: Sunday
Where: Through Old Town, and Moxie
Status: Open, ongoing
Warnings: TBD, Probably some swearing, partying it up, drinking, sexy stuff!

Grab your flags and put on your rainbows y'all - it's time for the big Pride Month send-off! )

Jun. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

Who: Belladonna Sunberry
What: Getting Analyzed at the Research Facility
When: Backdated to sometime in May, prior to her release
Where: The Research Facility
Status: Narrative, Complete
Warnings: The blackest evilest magic you guys, istg

lmao whoops I meant to post this the night she came in )