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January 2011
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Who: Mal Reynolds and Simon Tam
What: Mal's grumpy and Simon has to deal with it.
When: Monday morning
Where: Their apartment
Rating/Warnings: PG-13? Maybe higher, knowing these two.
Status: Incomplete.

To say that Mal wasn't a happy camper would've been a major understatement. He was stuck on an alternate version of Earth-That-Was with only a very small portion of his crew and no ship. That was probably the worst part of it all. Yes, he was concerned about the missing members of his crew, but Serenity was more than just a ship. Serenity had been his home, a major part of his life, and now that it wasn't there, he felt a lot like a person who'd had a limb amputated.

He was currently moping about in the kitchen, attempting to make coffee. Of course, the coffee pot was giving him a fit and refusing to cooperate, so he was grumbling under his breath and just about ready to throw the thing across the room. He finally pushed the right button though, and it started to gurgle away. Arching his eyebrows upward, he nodded in satisfaction and stepped back, rubbing his hands together. "'Bout time you realized who was boss." he said.

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