World In Her Hands Logs Community
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Now here is the part where we go from designer clothes to designer nappies. Please stay tuned.

Who:Layla Williams, Logan and Bronte Gallagher, Gwen Greyson (NPC, toward the end.)
When:Friday evening, the day after Layla disappeared to do some thinking
Where:Neptune, The Grand Hotel.
Rating/Warnings: R for violence at end, possible language and I for ickle, baby Layla
Status: Ongoing.

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair... )

Current Mood: pensive pensive

Who: Bronte and Logan C
Where/When: Surf Club then Neptune Grand, tonight
Why: Bron needs some serious family time
Warning: Language, WIP

Our house it has a crowd Theres always something happening And its usually quite loud Our mum shes so house-proud Nothing ever slows her down And a mess is not allowed )

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