World In Her Hands Logs Community
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Log: Teri Malfoy & Sam Winchester, open to Winchesters, Jack, Anita

Who: Sam Winchester, Teri Malfoy (open to Mary, John, Dean, Anita, and Jack)
What: Sam's going back to normal
Where: The Winchester/Malfoy residence
When: earlier this evening?
Rating: PG, because Sam and Teri can't get nasty right now
Status: complete

After she finished putting Alistair down to sleep and tucking him in, Teri headed back downstairs. She wasn't sure, but it sounded like Sammy was having a tantrum in the kitchen. She considered briefly using a silencing charm on him, because between him and Ali, she was developing a splitting headache. Of course, that might have been due to the amounts of chocolate she and Anita had consumed at lunch.

Who: Sam and Dean Winchester (open to Mary, John, Teri, Anita and Jack)
What: Doing their brother thing...
Where: The Winchester/Malfoy residence
When: During the time of the screaming toddler
Why: 'Cause we gotta
Rating: PG, because Dean might let one or two bad words slip

"Eeeeeeeee!" Sammy stretched his arms out in front of him and ran as fast as he could across the kitchen floor. The red towel flapped behind him, but he just couldn't seem to get enough speed to leave the ground. That was okay, though. In his mind, he was soaring high, high over the house and the street and land. Just like Superman.

"Fwwwwwyyyyyyyyyin'!" he announced, incase anyone near didn't know that they had a real life, flying superhero in their midst.

Who: Teri Malfoy, John Winchester, open to other Winchesters, Jack Sparrow, & Anita Blake
What: going to get John this time
When: tonight
Where: Winchester/Malfoy residence, Bobby Singer's place
Rating: R for language
Status: incomplete

Teri shrugged into her coat and went to stand on the front walk, which Jack had kindly shovelled and sprinkled with rock salt. Gloves on, she gave her wand a flick and said, "Accio portkey!"

The vase flew out the door, which Dean held open, and into her hand. She set it on the bottom step of the porch and then concentrated, did a half turn, and Apparated several hundred miles to land on Bobby Singer's front porch. She leaned against the exterior wall, summoning a small fire to her hands, and waited for John and Bobby to arrive.

Log: Winchesters, Teri, Jack, OT God & Anita Blake

Who: Dean, Sam, and Mary Winchester, Teri Malfoy, Jack Sparrow, open to Anita Blake, God
What: Sam's having age difficulties again
When: tonight
Where: Winchester/Malfoy residence
Rating: PG-13 or under
Status: incomplete

Mary had just turned her thoughts to what to fix for dinner--she was trying to help out Teri, who had her hands full with wedding plans and the baby--when she heard a wail from the living room. It was a baby, but it didn't sound like her grandson.

Curious, she got up to investigate.

Log: Dean, Sam, & Mary Winchester

Who: The Winchesters
What: going to get Mary
When: tonight
Where: various airports, plane interiors, etc.
Rating: PG-13 or under
Status: complete

Dean was nervous. His palms were sweaty. And he was looking at one more take-off this evening. He wished he had the ability to Apparate, like Teri did.

"Stupid layover," he muttered. He jiggled his right leg. "Why aren't they takin' off, yet? Had to run across the freakin' airport, and now we're just sittin."

Log: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester

Who: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
What: hanging out?
When: tonight-ish
Where: tbd
Rating: probably PG-13 or under
Status: incomplete

Dean bounded into the living room, where his brother had taken to sprawling on the sofa with a fire in the hopes of scoring a make-out session with his girlfriend. Okay, that probably wasn't Sam's motive, as it looked like he was reading again, but that's what Dean would be doing. Anyway.

Dean was bored, and he'd seen precious little of his brother these past two weeks, since Sam and Teri spent most of their free time down at the hospital with the baby.

"Hey, Sammy! Whatcha doin'?"

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