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Back March 7th, 2010 Forward

Who: Jean and Scott
What: Confessions
Where: a cafe close to a movie theater
When: afternoon
Warnings: tba

The truth comes out in time )

Who: Edward Cullen, [OPEN]
When: Middle of the day
Where: Downtown Miami
Rating/Warnings: TBD, not high.
Status: In Progress.

Dubussy to Downtown Miami. )

Current Mood: confused confused

Who: Severina Snape and Lyle Evans
What: Talking so far.
Where: Some place in Diagon Alley
When: Couple days after Lyle's arrival
Warnings: No clue yet, definitely language I am sure. Will update if needed.
Status: In Progress

She knew this was inevitable, but was she ready? )

Back March 7th, 2010 Forward