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Back May 16th, 2009 Forward
Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who: Lilly Kane and Logan Echolls
Where / When: Lilly's house, the same night she finished finals.
Why: Checking up
Warning: Language/Wip

With fingernails that shine like justice and a voice that is dark like tinted glass )

Who: John and Sam Winchester
Where/When: The house in St Louis, this afternoon.
Why: Stupid ass TV show can certainly ruin a good Saturday.
Warning: Language, WIP.

It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't fortunate son, no. )

Damien Thorn [userpic]

Who: Damien, Regulus, Bella, and Chase
When: Evening
Where: Chicago
What: Meeting up and having some fun probably at a muggle's expense
Rating: Let's just say it's quite high, consider who's there.


A meeting of like minds )

The Flight Party

Who: Lee Adama, Cinderella Libertine, Lorna Dane, Lily Evans, Mia Jesbar, Rajani Bhatti, Krya, Sway, Surprise Golem, Kara Thrace. Open to any other female who Lee may have invited or wants to take a flight
When: ASAP/Text message backdated to Friday night May 15
Where: Meet at Grand Canyon National Park Airport for flights over the canyon
Rating/Warnings: G

Run that one by me again )

Current Mood: hopeful hopeful
Back May 16th, 2009 Forward