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Back May 4th, 2009 Forward
bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Tesla and Logan Echolls, Kendall Casablancas and Aaron Echolls.
Where: The Coronado bridge passing from Neptune into San Diego.
When: The early evening of Monday the 4th, say around 6 P.M PST.
What: Drama, death of Kendall and the big bang beginnings of Tess' true labor.
Warnings: Character death but no gore, probably crude language. Heroic Aaron FTW.

To keep the balance, one bitch must die for a good person to be born. )

Who: Kane Patrick and Nate Petrelli
When: Thursday Night
Where: Wandering Rocks Pub
Rating/Warnings: NC-17, selfcest, shoomp, fluff and a touch of sub/dom
Status: In Progress

How do the same men celebrate a birthday....with sexiness of course )

Back May 4th, 2009 Forward