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Back April 21st, 2009 Forward
eileen prince! [userpic]

Who: Eileen & John Conner
Where: John's place
Why: >>; naught massage?
When: Late afternoon

Eileen half thought of what she was doing, but sighed and followed her godbox to John's place and appeared outside his apartment. Once there, she moved with ease to the door and raised her knuckles to knocked gently,"John? I'm here." She said through the door.

Whenever he answered, he'd see her dressed in a blue dress, zip-up flat-heeled boots and a simplistic black sweater. It was clear that she went out of her way to look nice for him, whenever she saw him. There was another knock and she became both anxious and excited for his answering.

Central Park

Who: Lily, Sev
Where: CP, NY
When: Lunchtiems
What: They are hasing lunch She got stood up!
Warnings: No idea
Status: Closed

I'm battle scarred, I am workin' oh so hard // To get back to who I used to be )

So, what was THAT all about?

Who: Lily, checking in on Sev
Where: His shop to start
When: early evening
What: After being stood up and ignored on the boards, Lily wonders if something's wrong.
Warnings: Probably swearing
Status: In progress

So they say ... )

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who: Logan and Tess
Where/When: Their home, after Logan's fight with Aaron
Why: Holy shit, Logan is freaking out.
Warning: Language, WIP

My boy was just like me )

Back April 21st, 2009 Forward