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Log: Chapel and McCoy [Feb. 12th, 2011|12:37 am]

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Who: Leonard McCoy, Christine Chapel, Lia Burke, Tina Lawton, Geoffrey M'Benga, Carey Ivers, nameless security guard
When: 2259.043 [02/12/2259]
Where: U.S.S. Enterprise → Deck 6: Sickbay
What: Christine gets infected by a random crew member and manages to infect McCoy before he can sedate her.
Rating: PGish?

'The lump in my hair won’t go away.' )
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[Feb. 8th, 2011|10:17 am]

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Who: Sam Giotto + OPEN
When:2259.039 end of Alpha shift
Where: USS Enterprise
What:All hands battle station drill

Red Alert! All hands to battle stations! )
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[Feb. 3rd, 2011|08:52 pm]

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Who: Sickbay personnel, Sam Giotto +open
When: 2259.034 early alpha shift
Where: Sickbay
What: Sickbay Battle Damage Drill
Rating: PG-ish (depends on much McCoy cusses)

Read more... )
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[Jan. 10th, 2011|03:42 am]
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Who: Heather McConel + OPEN
When: 2259.010 [01/10/2259] -- lunchtime
Where: U.S.S. Enterprise → Deck 6: Officer's Mess
What: Heather takes her lunch and tries not to think about the weird floating cameras all over the 'ship.
Rating: PG maybe

She repeated a mental chant of, 'Act normal, act normal,' but that in and of itself wasn't normal, so it didn't help all that much. )
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