The Whedonverse Embassy

News, announcements and networking for the Whedon fandoms

12/5/07 11:27 pm - [info]woman_of_ - Friending Meme Spuffy

Please fill in your entry with this information!

Other Random Info:

12/4/07 06:00 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - Guide to Insane Journal

[info]das_dingi has made a helpful Insane Journal for Newbies post.

11/17/07 06:04 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - Fans United

There is a new project underway organized by various showrunners to show the media companies that fans are supporting their shows' writers through this strike. You can find information about it here: or here:

The important facts are these: (1) One can donate as little as $1 to the effort and (2) Everyone who makes a donation can both list the show they support and include a personal message with their donation. This promotional effort is being designed specifically as a way for fans to show their support for the writers.

Aside from standing by the writers, this seems to me a simple way to demonstrate to both the media owners and the writing community that specific shows have a lot of support out here (regardless of what the ratings may say) and we want our shows to come back. Apparently many in Hollywood don't believe fans can be mobilized. It would be nice to prove them wrong.

11/1/07 03:18 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - New asylum for new Joss project

[info]dollhouse has been opened for discussion and posts on the upcoming show.

Also [info]browncoats has opened for Firefly discussion.

9/9/07 02:27 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - Multifandom posting day

[info]ides_of_march has been set up for the posting on March 15, 2008 of fic, art, or anything fandom oriented following a series of prompts.

9/7/07 09:02 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - New Firefly and Werewolf asylum

[info]shiny_hats is a Firefly community for Mal/Jayne shippers. Fic, art, vids, recs and caps are all welcome and there will be monthly and weekly challenges.

[info]werewolf_love, a multi-fandom community for people who want to write about or create art of werewolf characters. Harry Potter, Supernatural, the Underworld movies, The Howling, New Moon and Eclipse, Moon Called...if it has werewolves, we want to see it!

8/27/07 12:36 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - Crossover community

[info]slayers_hunters has been started for fan fiction, fanart and graphics focusing on Supernatural/Buffyverse crossovers.

8/24/07 10:46 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - Accessing locked posts through a feed

Just thought I'd pass this along. If you want to set up a feed and the person usually locks their posts, you can use this address to set up a feed that will bring both locked and unlocked posts through:

Substitute your username and password at the beginning, then the person's user name after the /users/ part.

8/23/07 02:01 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - More information about setting up feeds

Thanks to [info]xie_xie_xie here is information for those who want to syndicate their IJ account for friends still on LJ, as well as for syndicating personal journals on LJ for reading here.

If you are syndicating a LiveJournal to be read on another journal site, go to:
and use the command:

set for example synlevel summary

replacing example with your username or the community name.

However, if you are syndicating a personal journal on InsaneJournal to be read on a LiveJournal friends page, then be sure you are logged into your personal account, the one you want to edit the feed for, then go to:
and enter just this, with no journal name:

set synlevel summary

If you are syndicating an ASYLUM on IJ to be read on a LiveJournal friends page, then be sure you are logged into an account that is an administrator for that asylum, and enter this code:

set for example synlevel summary

Replacing example with the asylum name.

You can also use the word title or the word full in place of summary in any of those commands. Title will show just the title and a link to the post, and full will show the full post, although that's problematic and you probably won't want to do that.

8/20/07 02:47 pm - [info]theantijoss - 'Allo, 'allo, Whedonverse folks!

I've been meaning to do this post for weeks now! Thanks to [info]yourlibrarian for doing this.

I was also theantijoss over at The Other Place. I've moved my primary base of operations here, and that includes all activity in my communities as well as a couple of new ones!

* [info]ducksfanfic: For posting my own fic and news/updates for the Ducks' Fanfic website.
* [info]thinking_dork: For my icons/graphics
* [info]angel_yay: A community for all things Angel (the character) related. I'm hoping to do a ficathon/fic celebration later this year.
* [info]ba_ship: Community for Buffy/Angel relationship focused fic/art/icons/meta. There'll be a weekly prompt for those who are interested and looking for some inspiration.

Glad to see so many familiar faces over here!

8/19/07 11:25 am - [info]yourlibrarian - Bring Back the Porn Day

A September 1 InsaneJournal multifandom posting day, Bring Back the Porn for any and all art and writing. See the link for details.

8/19/07 03:48 am - [info]darkhavens - IJ Bloodclaim open for business

[info]bloodclaim is now open for business at IJ. The same rules apply here as at LJ and are available on the userinfo. Please read before posting, but anything in the Spike/Xander genre is welcome, with appropriate headers, and with lj-cuts used as and when appropriate.

I am also accepting affiliates in the whedonverse fandom so... comment here if you want to affiliate your comm with mine. :D

Thanks! And Hi! it's good to be here. *waves*

8/18/07 07:47 pm - [info]red_sunflower - [info]jm_squares is open for business

I have created a new asylum [info]jm_squares is a James Marsters graphics community where you can post all your James fanart, I hope you all join and participate.

8/18/07 07:08 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - Fic asylums

There are a variety of multifandom fic and icon communities popping up, such as [info]tv_100 and [info]rarecharacters. Some Whedon ones:

[info]ats_btvs_fanfic a community for fanfiction based on either Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel, accepting fanfiction focusing on all pairings, characters and ratings.

[info]five_by_five A Faith Lehane community for discussion, fanfic, fanart & graphics.

8/17/07 11:01 am - [info]yourlibrarian - New community and feed

A syn feed as has been set up for the seasonal Spander lj community [info]fall_for_sx_lj (sign-ups are also now open).

There's a new meta community here on ij, [info]mind_over_meta open to all analysis, reviews, humor, etc. (Multifandom)

8/12/07 11:27 am - [info]yourlibrarian - New syn feed and community

Just a reminder to those who may not have seen it, [info]marsters_ij is up for photo and icon posts of James Marsters. Also, I started the [info]petzi_ljfeed syn feed for the daily rec posts done by petzipellepingo on LJ.

8/11/07 01:12 pm - [info]wndx - Moving On Ficathon

I'm hosting a multi-fandom ficathon over at my journal.


Sign-ups are until the 31st of August.

EDIT: I just re-read the rules and hope this falls within the purpose of the community. If not let me know and I'll remove it

8/9/07 09:40 am - [info]yourlibrarian - Feed answers and comment bugs

Just some more information about feeds, and a bug I've experienced. I got a very quick response to the Support issue I posted about yesterday. Here is the response:

"Syndicated accounts will only update if the feed file is under 300KB in size. If there is a
larger RSS feed -- for example, the RSS feed of the metafandom community on LiveJournal is 374 KB --
then the syndicated account will return the "too big" error you have seen. (The frequency of
updates does not have an effect, since LiveJournal's syndicated feeds display a limited number of
entries at a time.) Read more... )

One other thing I wanted to mention is that apparently there can be spontaneous link failures in posts. By that I mean that I had a post where I'd received and answered a comment, and today both were gone and the icon that had been used was no longer there either. The icon is still in my user account but the link to it had somehow failed. The icon link had also failed to 2 other posts but neither of those had comments so I'm not sure if the two things are related. Again, just a heads-up.

8/8/07 02:27 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - Syndication feed cost alert

Hi everyone

I thought I'd bring some things to everyone's attention re: feeds (from LJ or elsewhere) that I wasn't aware of until this afternoon. That is that IJ allows syndication subscriptions on a "point" basis. You can see that explained here. In short, the more people subscribe to a syndicated feed the cheaper it gets for everyone to use.

As I have a permanent account here, I'm not concerned about my costs for feeds since I have more points than I'll likely every use. However I know that many people have free accounts but would like to have a number of them (Whedon related or otherwise), so I thought I'd send out this heads-up.

For those who didn't see it in the intro post, you can check out Whedon syn feeds at [info]jossverse_syn, and also post any there (or here) you have been creating.

Also, for anyone who may have better knowledge than I do about feeds, the ones I created for newsletters are not coming through. I'm not clear why this is since I've been receiving posts for all the others I've set up so far. Coincidentally it's all newsletters -- the Su Herald, Whedon Updates and SPN Newsletter -- that are not coming through. This is also true of Metafandom. Every other community? There. I've put in a support request but does anyone have any ideas?

8/3/07 03:36 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - Sign the registry

Welcome to the Whedonverse Embassy. This community was started to allow fans of Joss Whedon creations who are setting up shop at IJ to connect with one another, and announce new communities and personal journals. If you have any announcements to make, just join and post. The community is not for the posting of actual content such as Buffy/Angel/Firefly news, fanfic or other fanworks. Its purpose is largely for fandom news, especially for those who are coming over from LiveJournal.

Those of you following news about LiveJournal and fandom may want to add [info]07refugees or [info]fandomdirectory here on IJ. There have also been several syndicated feeds set up for LJ news communities. Just click and add to be able to read those communities here on your IJ.

Whedon Updates/Whedonverse Noteboard on LJ - Syndicated Feed
The Cortex on LJ - Syndicated Feed
Buffyverse Awards Central on LJ - Syndicated Feed
Newly Legion on LJ - Buffyverse comics - Syndicated Feed

Also, although not an LJ feed Fanworks Finder has been set up as a multifandom rec site, with pointers to fic, vids and artwork. Useful if you want a centralized pointer to your work.

The community [info]jossverse_syn has also been set up to announce Whedon related feeds. If you would like other feeds to be set up and don't see them there, leave a comment below.

The [info]suherald is now going to be crossposted to Insane Journal.
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