The Whedonverse Embassy

News, announcements and networking for the Whedon fandoms

8/23/07 02:01 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - More information about setting up feeds

Thanks to [info]xie_xie_xie here is information for those who want to syndicate their IJ account for friends still on LJ, as well as for syndicating personal journals on LJ for reading here.

If you are syndicating a LiveJournal to be read on another journal site, go to:
and use the command:

set for example synlevel summary

replacing example with your username or the community name.

However, if you are syndicating a personal journal on InsaneJournal to be read on a LiveJournal friends page, then be sure you are logged into your personal account, the one you want to edit the feed for, then go to:
and enter just this, with no journal name:

set synlevel summary

If you are syndicating an ASYLUM on IJ to be read on a LiveJournal friends page, then be sure you are logged into an account that is an administrator for that asylum, and enter this code:

set for example synlevel summary

Replacing example with the asylum name.

You can also use the word title or the word full in place of summary in any of those commands. Title will show just the title and a link to the post, and full will show the full post, although that's problematic and you probably won't want to do that.

8/17/07 11:01 am - [info]yourlibrarian - New community and feed

A syn feed as has been set up for the seasonal Spander lj community [info]fall_for_sx_lj (sign-ups are also now open).

There's a new meta community here on ij, [info]mind_over_meta open to all analysis, reviews, humor, etc. (Multifandom)

8/12/07 11:27 am - [info]yourlibrarian - New syn feed and community

Just a reminder to those who may not have seen it, [info]marsters_ij is up for photo and icon posts of James Marsters. Also, I started the [info]petzi_ljfeed syn feed for the daily rec posts done by petzipellepingo on LJ.

8/9/07 09:40 am - [info]yourlibrarian - Feed answers and comment bugs

Just some more information about feeds, and a bug I've experienced. I got a very quick response to the Support issue I posted about yesterday. Here is the response:

"Syndicated accounts will only update if the feed file is under 300KB in size. If there is a
larger RSS feed -- for example, the RSS feed of the metafandom community on LiveJournal is 374 KB --
then the syndicated account will return the "too big" error you have seen. (The frequency of
updates does not have an effect, since LiveJournal's syndicated feeds display a limited number of
entries at a time.) Read more... )

One other thing I wanted to mention is that apparently there can be spontaneous link failures in posts. By that I mean that I had a post where I'd received and answered a comment, and today both were gone and the icon that had been used was no longer there either. The icon is still in my user account but the link to it had somehow failed. The icon link had also failed to 2 other posts but neither of those had comments so I'm not sure if the two things are related. Again, just a heads-up.

8/8/07 02:27 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - Syndication feed cost alert

Hi everyone

I thought I'd bring some things to everyone's attention re: feeds (from LJ or elsewhere) that I wasn't aware of until this afternoon. That is that IJ allows syndication subscriptions on a "point" basis. You can see that explained here. In short, the more people subscribe to a syndicated feed the cheaper it gets for everyone to use.

As I have a permanent account here, I'm not concerned about my costs for feeds since I have more points than I'll likely every use. However I know that many people have free accounts but would like to have a number of them (Whedon related or otherwise), so I thought I'd send out this heads-up.

For those who didn't see it in the intro post, you can check out Whedon syn feeds at [info]jossverse_syn, and also post any there (or here) you have been creating.

Also, for anyone who may have better knowledge than I do about feeds, the ones I created for newsletters are not coming through. I'm not clear why this is since I've been receiving posts for all the others I've set up so far. Coincidentally it's all newsletters -- the Su Herald, Whedon Updates and SPN Newsletter -- that are not coming through. This is also true of Metafandom. Every other community? There. I've put in a support request but does anyone have any ideas?
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