What Price? - September 14th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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September 14th, 2009

To that, Charlie could only say, "Yes." [Sep. 14th, 2009|10:04 pm]


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Who: Bill and Charlie Weasley
What: Cleaning up Wheezes and fraternal advice and support.
When: Saturday 5 September BACKDATED
Where: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes old premises on Diagon Alley
Warnings: Charlie has a potty mouth again.
Status: Closed, completed.

You've been spending too much time with Lucius Malfoy. )
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Duty. Obligation. Responsibility. [Sep. 14th, 2009|11:12 pm]
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Who: AP squared (Adrian & Gus)
What: An unpleasant but necessary discussion that Adrian has been putting off
When: Monday, 14 September, after hours
Where: Their clinic, Diagon Alley
Warnings: Probably language
Status: Closed, incomplete.

Adrian had not been looking forward to this conversation before his disastrous talk with Phil about it and he definitely wasn't afterwards. Still, the fact that he wasn't looking forward to it didn't mean he could slack off any longer now that he'd decided what needed to be done. When clinic hours were over, he saw Janice down to the Leaky and out onto Charing Cross Road, and made his own way back to catch Gus before Gus headed off to--well, probably something with Corner. Adrian hoped so anyway, so he'd have someone to complain about Adrian's perfidy to, anyhow.

He banged on the doorframe of their office, where Gus was still filing patient records to close out the day. "Got a moment?"
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