What Price? - September 1st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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September 1st, 2009

Library research! [Sep. 1st, 2009|01:02 pm]
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Who: Marietta Edgecombe and Marcus Belby
What: Sorting through part of the Literary Society collection
When: Tuesday 1 September
Where: Dungate House
Warnings: Rated N for Nerdity
Status: Open, incomplete

Marietta had obtained permission to go through the collections that various members had left to members of the Literary Society by the expedient of using her Gamp family connections and her status as a Ministry researcher. The public library, or rather the books that were allowed to remain downstairs, were leisure reading for ladies and gentlemen. The good stuff, or so Marietta thought of it, was still in boxes upstairs and it had taken her time to get permission to go up and get it. She'd spent the morning digging through boxes and had come up with a few likely candidates for her project for Percy. Now she was coming downstairs to have lunch in the dining room, which she had only remembered to do because she'd set a spell alarm to tell her to eat.

She was so intent on figuring out which of the books she'd looked at might be useful that she hardly noticed the other people on the stair down from the first storey. What got her attention was accidentally stepping on someone's foot. "Oh, I'm sorry," Marietta said to her unfortunate victim. "Are you all right?"
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[Sep. 1st, 2009|10:53 pm]


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Who: Penny & Percy
What: A mid interrogation phone call
When: Thursday morning during the interrogation of Harry
Where: Respective locations
Status: Log, Completed
Warnings None

I just thought you should know. )
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