What Price? - August 6th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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August 6th, 2009

I fear you, but I'm not afraid of you. [Aug. 6th, 2009|08:55 am]


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[Current Music |Patrick Wolf, "Oblivion"]

Who: Cho Chang, Douglass Shauri, Michael Satou
What: In which MI7 has some questions for Cho, and she has answers. Just not the ones they want.
When: Tuesday afternoon, 4 August 2009 (backdated)
Where: Cho's flat, Kensal Green
Warnings: Menace and Cho's potty mouth
Status: Complete

Could you please tell us where you were the evening of July 10? )
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Muggle post to Carl Granger [Aug. 6th, 2009|04:07 pm]



no return address, no fingerprints, written in an antique hand on notepaper )
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Owl to The Offices of the Daily Prophet [Aug. 6th, 2009|08:44 pm]


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Astoria Warrington,
care of the Daily Prophet

Ms. Warrington,

I hope this letter finds you well. As I know you are aware, the government is attempting to deal with the problem of conflict between our people and the muggles.

One such initiative out of the Ministry involves exposing their activities, which may be illegal under their own law. This is not the only course of action we are undertaking, but could be a valuable one if it is successful.

The Ministry witch involved in the operation is looking for first hand accounts and physical evidence.

Would you consent to your healers providing a signed statement describing your condition on admittance at Snowdonia?

Would you be willing to describe, in your own words, anything that might be relevant to such an endeavor?

I am asking you informally and not as a member of Government. If you tell me that you cannot, I will recommend that the Ministry honor your wishes.

Warmest Regards,
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