What Price? - June 29th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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June 29th, 2009

Charlie & Ginny - Friendly Ribbing [Jun. 29th, 2009|10:27 pm]


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Who: Charlie Weasley & Ginny Weasley Potter, with appearances by Teddy Lupin & Mircea
What: Family time
When: A few days after the Quidditch match arranged by Viktor (mid June 2009)
Where: The Potter farm, Wales

Time to do the dishes? Incendio is better! )
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When Ginny can't fly - NO ONE is safe [Jun. 29th, 2009|10:37 pm]
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Who: Marcus Belby & Ginny Weasley Potter, with a non-speaking appearance by Teddy Lupin
What: Grumpy Ginny and Confused Marcus have a chat and a flirt
When: Saturday 13 June
Where: At the Quidditch match

You haven't broken many bones in your day, have you, Marcus? )
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