What Price? - June 25th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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June 25th, 2009

And you're lost quite classically with your nose in a book. [Jun. 25th, 2009|01:21 pm]


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[Current Mood |mellow]
[Current Music |Eisley, "Plenty of Paper"]

Who: Juliet Orfanos, and OPEN to anyone who might be at OWLS of a Thursday. Please do feel free to come bother Juliet, no matter how much she wants a quiet day.
What: A day's work, more or less.
Where: The parlour of Dungate House
When: Thursday afternoon, 25 June 2009

"...thank you, Madame Bragge. It's been a pleasure as always."

Madame Bragge replied that the pleasure was all hers, and wished Juliet a good afternoon before departing. Juliet sat back down in the leather wing-back chair and opened the book she had just received from Ann Bragge: a history of eleventh-century wards. She had other business to attend to, of course—especially that ridiculous affair with the American treasury notes in Italy; what were the Italians thinking? and roping the Japanese in? were they trying to cause a major international incident?—but after the last month or so she'd been having, she felt she deserved at least a little time to herself for some pleasure-reading.

A server brought her a fresh pot of tea and a small plate of sandwiches, and Juliet settled in for what she sincerely hoped would be a quiet afternoon.
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Tea for two [Jun. 25th, 2009|03:46 pm]
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Who: Viktor Krum and Astoria Warrington
What: Tea, delayed
When: 25 June, Thursday, 2:30 PM
Where: Redbridge House
Warnings: None, because Viktor's a gentleman and Astoria's a lady

They'd had to reschedule tea after Viktor had been called away on an emergency for the Ministry, but it had given Astoria two additional days to contemplate how she felt about someone outside her little circle visiting. The wandmaker had been one thing, and he'd certainly been kind, but Viktor Krum was a bit different. He'd been better acquainted with Chris during his visit to Hogwarts than he had been with Astoria.

At least he was a friend of Stefan's. That eased things. Astoria thought that the next time Aunt Juliet visited, she'd have to tell her all about Viktor's request to see her. Between thinking about that and writing on her memoir, Astoria had almost lost track of time. When the house-elf came to take her writing desk because Mr. Krum was due, she handed it off and did a quick cosmetic charm with her new wand to make sure she at least didn't look pale and wan.
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Ginny/Cho, Post-Quidditch [Jun. 25th, 2009|11:38 pm]


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Who: Cho Chang and Ginny Weasley Potter
What: An unintentionally uncomfortable conversation
When: Saturday, 13 June, immediately following the Quidditch match
Where: In the makeshift changing room
Rating: PG13-ish for language

Er. How you doing, then? )

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