What Price? - June 19th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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June 19th, 2009

[Jun. 19th, 2009|01:08 pm]
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Who: Fleur Weasley & Viktor Krum
What: Old friends catch up after an exciting few weeks
When: Friday 19 June
Where: Shell Cottage

Viktor had shown Fleur the conclusions of his work with Oliver on escaping the cottage should it be attacked by Muggles. Afterwards they'd had tea in the kitchen of Shell Cottage, with scones and biscuits to fortify them after the flight. Now they were sitting outside in the garden, among the flowers and the vegetable patch that the students had helped her plant.

"I hear Charlie talked to you at the Quidditch match," she offered nonchalantly.
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[Jun. 19th, 2009|05:42 pm]


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[Current Mood |anxious]

Who: Penelope & Adrian
Where: Adrian's House
When:Friday, 19 June 2009
What: Penelope & Adrian have dinner.

Penelope had attempted to plan a bit better for tonight's dinner. She had gone home after work to change into something less businesslike and more appropriate for an evening out. For Gus' sake, she felt she ought to give Adrian the benefit of the doubt and make this work, in case there would be a possible need for cooperative efforts in the future.

Smoothing out her dress, she rang the bell to Adrian's house, she had made sure to leave all her electronic devices at home. After all, no need to get those fried.
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We're in this thing together, Aren'tcha glad! [Jun. 19th, 2009|06:18 pm]


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[Current Location |Beckton, London]
[Current Mood |worried]
[Current Music |shower running]

Who: Gus & Penny
When: Sunday, 14 June 2009
Where: Penny's 'safe' & 'public' flat in Beckton
What: After a conversation gone awry with his parents, Gus needs Penny snuggles. She obliges.

And no one can show up in something that covers more than a bikini. )
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