What Price? - May 20th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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May 20th, 2009

And everything's cool in the mind of a gangsta... [May. 20th, 2009|01:11 pm]


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[Current Music |The Geto Boys, "Damn It Feels Good To Be a Gangsta"]

Who: Tony Rickett and OPEN to anyone who might be dropping by Esmeralda's of an afternoon to talk to Flint, Bole, or Rickett.
What: While Flint and Bole are doing whatever needs doing, Rickett's got a job of his own. And ways of amusing himself.
Where: Rickett's half-office in the back of Esmeralda's.
When: Around lunchtime, May 20, 2009
Rating: PG-13+ for Rickett's language and taste in music.

Marcus and Oz were out, as they often were during the day, and that meant Rickett had the office that he usually shared with Oz all to himself.

Not to mention the sound system.

The front of the club was dark and quiet, but from the back came a lazy thumping bass beat and the unmistakable syntax of American gangsta rap.
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta )
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Owl Post [May. 20th, 2009|06:31 pm]


[Current Mood |excited]

Letter Sent to Seamus )
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owl to Marcus Belby [May. 20th, 2009|07:15 pm]
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It's been a few weeks, and I hadn't heard back about the crystals you offered to send me. Anything wrong?

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Hands are for shaking... no, not tying [May. 20th, 2009|08:01 pm]


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Who: D Dursley and Katie Bell
When: the wee hours of Thursday morning, 21 May
Where: The Plough, Bloomsbury
What: Once the usual crowd from Delancey has disappated, D nurses a drink
Rating: TBD

How would I know that this could be my fate? )
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Chocolate fixes everything [May. 20th, 2009|10:01 pm]
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Who: Ginny Weasley, Marcus Belby, and Teddy Lupin
What: Ginny helps Marcus work through the angst (and there's cocoa!)
Where: The Potter Farm
When: 8 May 2009, late evening
Rating: PG-13 for language and things that make Marcus blush

In your shoes, I probably would've set something on fire )
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