What Price? - May 19th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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May 19th, 2009

Strange Little Homecoming. [May. 19th, 2009|04:12 pm]
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[Current Mood |confused]

Who: Luna Lovegood, Xenophilius Lovegood, Moby the House Elf (Thanks to Dorothea for socking Xenophilius and Moby.)
What: Luna returning home, worried about her father.
Where: Ottery St. Catchpole
When: Monday Afternoon, May 19th 3:30PM

You're not my Luna. Stop playing tricks; I won't have it! )
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[May. 19th, 2009|04:29 pm]
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Owl to Seren )

Owl to Neville )

Owl to the Weaseley Residence )
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[May. 19th, 2009|06:45 pm]
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Who: Seren Fawcett-Finnigan, Morag MacDougal
What: Late night ice cream, because it is the sacred duty of best friends
Where: Morag's flat in Lockerbie
When: After 10pm, Tuesday 19th May, 2009
Rating: PG
Status: Complete;Closed

What did one do with their time when one knew that one's husband and children would all be asleep once one managed to get home? One bought ice cream and showed up on the doorstep of one's best friend unannounced, of course. It seemed that lately Seren had been talking to Chris a great deal, something she was never sorry for, but hadn't seen Morag in ages. Perhaps it was only ages in her mind where days had thirty-six hours in them and the days blurred together in a series of diagnostic spells and medication prescriptions and bottles of vodka because they were extremely low on pain potions yet again. Whatever the reality was of the lapsed time, the truth of the matter was that while Seren had been spending time caring for Chris' newly recovered wife and checking on him she hadn't seen her other best friend. Once in a while Seren liked female companionship. Granted, she wasn't particularly feminine but Morag hardly was either. Perhaps that was the basis of their friendship, they were both a bit tomboy on the inside.

Seren ring the doorbell because she knew Morag lived alone and she was certain Morag was a Creature of the Night--weren't all potions-inclined folk?--and she wasn't much bothered by whether or not the neighbours heard the bell. Since when could neighbours hear your doorbell anyhow? There was a plastic bag dangling from Seren's fingers with a pint of chocolate ice cream and two plastic spoons. It wasn't that she thought Morag would be bereft of spoons, it was just that Seren appreciated not having to wash the cutlery afterward. She stood there on the stoop as she awaited the answering of the door, hips swinging from side to side and humming some idiotic song to herself that had lodged itself into her head.
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[May. 19th, 2009|07:26 pm]
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Who: Romilda Vane and Adrian Pucey
What: Adrian meets his newest patient
When: May 19, late afternoon
Where: Romilda's flat in Camden
Rating: R

The Romilda Vane that was currently sprawled out on her bed - a mattress on the floor, really - reading bore very little physical resemblance at first glance to the Romilda Vane that had been taken off the HMS Seeker. Her hair was long again, her cheeks had some color to them, her eyes seemed less sunken now that she'd actually gotten some real sleep. She'd gained some weight, especially in the past week, now that she was past the racking nausea of heroin withdrawal and was being weaned off of methadone. The clothes Hermione had bought her fit better, and almost all of the shirts had a hole in the hem of each sleeve for her thumb to poke through, keeping her arms covered past the wrist.

More importantly, perhaps, was the ability for Romilda to actually sit still for any period of time so she could read without getting too exhausted, wearing out her arms holding up the book, or being unable to concentrate. She was lucid, she was sober, and she was content, for the moment at least, to lay back and read with bedroom door cracked open. She could hear the muted sound of the television she'd managed to get - used, of course - which was tuned to some trashy soap to keep her minder Donna occupied.
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Help me if you can, I'm feelin' down... [May. 19th, 2009|09:13 pm]
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Who: Luna Lovegood, George Weasley, Gus Pye, and Hermione Granger; possibly with an appearance by Xenophilius Lovegood
When: Tuesday evening, 19 May 2009
Where: The Lovegood tower, near what was once Ottery St. Catchpole
What: Rescuing Xeno and explaining to Luna

Won't you please, please help me? )
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[May. 19th, 2009|10:18 pm]


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Who: Morag MacDougal, Fleur Weasley, and an NPC Muggle bobby.
Where: By the lake in Victoria Park.
When: The afternoon of Tuesday, 19 May, 2009.
What: Morag agrees to make more potions for Fleur, a bobby thinks they're drug dealers, and Morag and Fleur discuss the children in their lives, as well as the issues they deal with related to attraction.
Rating: PG-13, mainly for the bobby's reaction to Fleur

If his mother takes him along to tea parties, she deserves what she gets. )
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