What Price? - February 9th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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February 9th, 2009

Backstory: Juliet on her own, and Juliet and Percy [Feb. 9th, 2009|08:04 am]


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Who: Juliet Orfanos and some unfortunate NPCs (Solo RP)
What: In which Juliet Orfanos demonstrates her displeasure.
Where: A warehouse in Athens
When: Circa 1990
Rating: PG-13 for language and violence (possibly R if you share the MPAA's tolerance for strong language)

(Congratulations; you've just met three key criteria for an appointment with death.)

Who: Juliet Orfanos and Percy Weasley
What: In which certain deals and negotiations are made, for the greater good of Wizarding Britain.
Where: Undisclosed location, Kingston-Upon-Hull
When: Christmas week, 2008
Rating: PG

Britain may be wounded, but she is far from dead, and as you've discerned, I have a particular interest her welfare. )
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[Backstory: Hermione, Neville - 1 of 2] [Feb. 9th, 2009|10:58 pm]
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[Current Music |"Waiting on the World to Change" : John Meyer]

Who: Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Neville Longbottom
What: After returning from the wilds of Scotland, Neville seeks friends out after his father's death. Hermione and he have several conversations, among them an education about both muggle and magical worlds.
Where: Hermione & Ron's flat
When: Before Ron's death - 2005ish?
Rating: PG, maybe
Notes: 1 of 2 - it's too long to put in one. (Sorry?)

Neville's fingers felt unbearably cold as he stood on the stoop, twisting red hands into one another as he stared at the door knocker, wondering for a long moment if he should even have come at all. He'd skipped their wedding - no, to be more accurate, he'd forgotten it - and to make it worse, he'd forgotten their present as well. His Remembrall beat hot in his pocket, twitting him with the fact. He only hoped that was the worst of what he'd forgotten. Probably, he sighed to himself, Hermione was pregnant or perhaps it wasn't even Ron that she'd married.

He reached out, daring himself to knock, then pulled his hand away. It took another full moment before he'd decided to leave and by then his body felt like an ice cube. His eyes looked down at the address, scrawled out for him by his Gran, then he decided that anything was better than going to visit her. A quick swallow and a mutter later, he'd managed to rap three times, using knuckles that were far too sweaty for the weather.

We'll go easy on you at first; nothing stranger than Carcassonne. )
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[Backstory: Hermione, Neville - 2 of 2] [Feb. 9th, 2009|11:02 pm]
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Who: Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Neville Longbottom
What: After returning from the wilds of Scotland, Neville seeks friends out after his father's death. Hermione and he have several conversations, among them an education about both muggle and magical worlds.
Where: Hermione & Ron's flat
When: Before Ron's death - 2005ish?
Rating: PG, maybe
Notes: 2 of 2 - it's too long to put in one. (Sorry?)

I titrate your Herpo the Foul with my Paracelsus! )
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