What Price? - February 8th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 8th, 2009

Backstory: Percy and Bill [Feb. 8th, 2009|05:22 pm]


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Who: Percy and Bill
What: Percy gets caught
Where: Percy's flat in London
When: Summer of 2003
Rating: PG

But you're still my brother, and I hope that you trust me. )

Who: Percy and Bill
What: Percy rides the thin line between in and out
Where: Shell Cottage, Tinsworth
When: Summer of 2003, a few weeks after their first conversation
Rating: PG

I'm not having some revolving door installed in my bedroom, if that's what you're implying )
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Backstory: Percy and Charlie [Feb. 8th, 2009|05:45 pm]


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Who: Percy and Charlie
What: Two busy lives manage to intersect.
Where: The Old Diggory Place
When: Several months ago, 2008
Rating: PG

It's not like it was when Grindelwald came down in '45. This world was at war too and Churchill was far more understanding of the situation than Bloody Brown. )
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Backstory: Harry and Neville [Feb. 8th, 2009|06:53 pm]
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[Current Music |"True Love Waits" : Radiohead]

Who: Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom
What: Neville and Ron are carrying out a mission for the Order when Harry betrays them.
Where: Grimmauld Place, then into the city
When: late August, 2008
Rating: PG-13 for violence, character death

Grimmauld Place. Harry's reason for being there was simple, but when he pushed open the doors and the sound of a revolver clicked behind him, the nonmagical, incongruent sounds of handcuffs clinking against the leather belt of an agent dressed like the police made reason feel awkward and dull. There were remnants of the old Order here, the one that existed before Charlie had taken the place some thought Bill would take, or Molly, and they would prove, with luck, that Harry was on the level. Glancing at the carpet as he eased into the front hall, he paused and set his hand on the wall, gazing to the place where the illusion of Dumbledore had flung itself into existence with his body tensed. Nothing happened. With Snape's death...

"Move in," someone whispered behind him. Harry stood stock still, determined not to probe further into the house he presumed empty. He faked a nonchalant glance over his shoulder, but his jaw was hard when the muggles moved past.

This. This was beyond betrayal. )
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Backstory: Percy and Neville [Feb. 8th, 2009|07:40 pm]
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[Current Music |"Analyse" : Thom Yorke]

Who: Percy Weasley and Neville Longbottom
What: Percy and Neville go out on a mission but discover not all is as it seems. They narrowly prevent muggles from passing bad messages.
Where: Undisclosed locations
When: late December, 2008
Rating: PG

If they were going on an assignment, one would never know Percy was apart of it. It was a wizarding affair, so Percy was still in his usual garb of pressed, three-piece brown dress robes, but it had the possibility of a fracas, so contacts were favored over spectacles. He
hated them, but like most of the things in life, they were practical for the situation and therefore worth their annoyance.

The cold wind coming off the Channel was blocked by nothing, not even the heavy wool fabric of his attire. A shiver went down Percy's spine that had everything to do with the cold and nothing to do with the object at hand. It was a sobering chill; it kept him alert if only
because it kept him distracted from cluttering his mind with how bloody cold it was.

His eyes caught Neville, brow furrowed in an attempt to furnish some sort of protection for his usually shielded eyes. "Have you got the list memorised?" he asked curtly.

Fantastic- someone who is going to pray to a god in times of trouble instead of doing anything useful. )
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