Weird Sisters PSL's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Weird Sisters PSL

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[13 May 2012|02:08am]
You're listening to the third task of the Trimusician Tournament, here on the WWN: Wizarding Wireless Network. Up next, let's see how the Weird Sisters scored when we asked them some...personal questions, about their relationships, personalities, and life on tour with the band.

Played on the air on Friday evening at 6pm )

You've been listening to the Weird Sisters on the WWN's Trimusician Tournament. Up next, questions and answers from Eckeltric Cauldron. Stay tuned.
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[13 May 2012|06:26pm]
Who: The Band and Guests
What: WWN UK Music Awards
Where: The Silkworm Ballroom
When: Sunday May 13
Rating: PG-13?
Status: In progress
Nominations: here

And the winner is... )
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[ viewing | May 13th, 2012 ]
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