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[20 Jul 2012|09:40am]




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[17 Jul 2012|11:38am]

Who Donaghan and Electra
What Electra's not well and Donaghan's not pleased. Or, cost-benefit analysis + yelling.
When Saturday, July 14, 1995.
Where Donaghan's room, Fiji resort
Rating PG-13ish?
Status Complete

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it's okay, i'm going to piss off a death eater now. [14 Jul 2012|08:51am]

Who Elizabeth Holliday and Uncle Nott
What A dinner, a possible threat, you know--normal stuff.
When Monday, July 16, 1995. Evening.
Where Holliday manor.
Rating PGish.
Status Complete/Narrative

None of that has a thing to do with me. )
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[10 Jul 2012|12:49am]

Who: Myron and Glinda (open to Kirley and Donaghan)
What: Wedding planning
Where: Founding Flat
When: Backdated: pre-Fiji, post-owls to Myron's mum
Rating: I daren't guess
Status: In progress

It had been something of a day. Not exactly the intimate evening Glinda had been thinking of, knowing Myron would be leaving over the weekend to record in Fiji. Instead, she'd received an owl yesterday from Myron's mother than had sent her storming over to see Kirley, unceremoniously pitching Myron out the door so that she could brandish the parchment like the piece of offal it was and spit her outrage at someone who would understand. Someone who wouldn't be hurt, but rather just as angry as she was. And Kirley was good at absorbing her anger and transmuting it, sharing her sentiments while tempering them with humour and wickedly sharp insight. She'd been grateful for his company as well as his opinions, and even though no actual useful writing had been accomplished, it had put her in a mindset - after the hangover had ebbed - to be able to pen something she could actually send.

She hadn't said anything to Myron yet; she wouldn't hide anything from him, but she couldn't abide the idea of him reading that letter, and seeing his face shutter. He was, she'd gathered, instead under the impression that she and Kirley were planning something as a surprise for him - because whenever two people Myron loved got together, it was obviously about him. Which it had been, so Glinda had to concede the point. She hadn't thought of what to do for the surprise he was expecting, but she supposed she had plenty of time to come up with something. She should have asked Kirley last night (if she hadn't actually asked already; she had a hazy memory of testing their names out together in various combinations) how he felt about threesomes.

She'd either made it to Myron's room under her own power or Kirley had used his powers of height for good and steered her in the right direction, because she'd woken up this morning in Myron's bed, where she hadn't been in quite some time (three years, give or take) with a pounding headache and an hourglass proclaiming her already late for work. Several meetings and one notable owl to Myron's mother later, she was back here in the place that still felt like home, lying on the couch and ignoring the book she'd picked out to read in favour of watching a film on their much-missed television, following the adventures of a boy, an Empress, and a luckdragon, occasionally shooing one of the boys back into their rooms when they came out to watch with her instead of packing.

After the film ended, the thoughts she'd deliberately put out of her mind for the duration of the story took root again, and she sighed, leaving the sanctuary of the couch to wander into Myron's room. He was industriously packing, or at least there were suitcases out on the bed, and items in the suitcases, for which she would give him credit. Coming up behind him, Glinda wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned against his back, turning her head to close her eyes and rest her cheek on his shoulder, murmuring: "Hello, you."
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[09 Jul 2012|03:10am]

Who: Heathie and Lizzie
What: A conversation.
Where: Lizzie's apartment.
When: Backdated like crazy whoa. Will get back to you on this.
Rating: S for Sappy
Status: In progress

This was ridiculous. )
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Owl to Glinda [09 Jul 2012|05:30pm]

To my future daughter-in-law,

I can't tell you how thrilled Hayden and I were when we found out that our son had finally decided to settle down - and with such a wonderful woman too. It was a pity we had to find out via the newspaper, of course, but I'm sure in the excitement of being newly engaged it slipped your mind to let us know. I do hope your own parents didn't find out in the same manner.

You and Myron simply must come over for dinner soon. What are your plans on Thursday evening? Emily and Anna will be able to tell you all about planning their own weddings. It was such a pity you missed Anna's. She was married on Valentine's Day this year and it was such a gorgeous wedding. She's pregnant now, did you know? They announced it at our last family dinner, which we were hoping Myron would bring you to, but he chose to ignore my owl as he frequently does. I'm going to be relying on you, dear, to keep him in line and remind him of his family obligations. Just because he doesn't get his own way is no reason to ignore his family.

It is such a weight off my mind to know that he has you back, Glinda. I've been so worried about him ever since you left him. He really seemed to go off the rails and nothing we said or did seemed to help at all. I was afraid we might have ended up with another son-in-law, which I suppose is at least better than what was happening before.

I am so looking forward to discussing the wedding with you, dear. Have you and Myron set the date yet? Christmas would be a magical time for a wedding, though it's probably too late to book anything at this late stage.

With love from your future mother-in-law,
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[06 Jul 2012|06:59pm]

Who: Electra and Merton
What: Portkey relay
Where: Russia to Fiji, and multiple points in between
When: Saturday, July 7th
Rating: Likely PG
Status: In progress

Merton and his luggage had been seen off early in the morning by his relatives at House-upon-the-Green (a rough and terrible English translation to encompass the history and culture of the manor), and processed by security at the nearby portkey-point with time enough for mid-morning tea before the scheduled arrival of Merton's escort.

He hadn't minded the idea of traveling on his own, but between his aunt and uncle threatening to escort him themselves rather than risk anything happening to their nephew, and the missives from the band's management giving the vague but still immovable impression that Merton was an asset and not to be lost in the wilds of Cambodia, he hadn't thought it worth the protest. And with the number of portkeys he'd have to take to reach Fiji, he was somewhat grateful that there might be someone with him if his stomach reacted poorly to feeling like he'd been repeatedly yanked from water on a fishhook.

The escort who appeared right on schedule was unsurprising, in that Electra spent quite a lot of her time on duty escorting them places, and only unexpected because Merton had thought she'd be with the others traveling from England. Perhaps they were on different timetables. If so, Electra must have been logging more than her fair share of portkey hours with this venture.

Merton picked up the neat government-issue shrink-safe travel bag containing almost all of his belongings, and hefted the cello case - which would not be shrunk, Transfigured, security screened in a potentially damaging fashion, or otherwise ensorcelled in the slightest - over his shoulder. Electra didn't look too peakish, thankfully, although Merton hadn't remembered her being quite this...short. Maybe he'd had a growth spurt of half an inch or so over the past week. It was a strange feeling.

"Thank you for coming," he told her, stepping over to join her. "Would you like some tea? Can I get you anything? Water, or something to eat?"
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[04 Jul 2012|03:54pm]

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[03 Jul 2012|05:47pm]

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[01 Jul 2012|02:21pm]

Who: Myron and Glinda.
What: The Proposal.
Where: Glinda's flat, and then a Muggle hotel in London.
When: Monday night, June 25, 1995.
Rating: PG-13 for now, but it's Myron and Glinda. It won't stay that way for long.
Status: In progress.

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. )
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Owl to Glinda [sent last Saturday] [01 Jul 2012|08:44am]

My darling Glinda,

I am so, so, so sorry. I know I shouldn't have been doing drugs like that. I didn't think it would hurt, but I knew you wouldn't like it so I shouldn't have done it in the first place. I'm sorry. I promise I'm never going to touch them again and neither is Donaghan. This is now a drug-free flat. Donaghan flushed it all and he's instructed everyone to keep drugs away from him and not offer him any. I didn't actually realise it was as bad for Donaghan as it was. He's at Electra's and she's looking after him. It shocked me, to see how bad it was. He's going to be okay though. He's strong, and we're all there for him.

I miss you. I went over to your flat but you weren't there. I'm so sorry, Gliss. Where are you? I know why you went away. Because if you were here you wouldn't be able to resist me. What you perhaps didn't anticipate was the photo I've included which negates that entirely. I miss you and I love you and I'm so sorry.

Please come home.

Love always and forever,
your Byron

[ooc: included is a photograph of Myron giving her sad puppy eyes, pleading with her to come back to him.]
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Just because... [30 Jun 2012|08:50am]

Left on Kirley's bed... )
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[Owl to Electra] [24 Jun 2012|07:24pm]

[Early in the morning of 6/25]


Just heard a crazy rumour from my last pick-up on the bus. Everything is 5-by-5 right?

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[23 Jun 2012|09:42am]

Who: Myron & Orsino
What: Rehabing from the tour via tea and fags.
Where: MIO Tea-Shop, East London
When: Saturday afternoon (6/23)
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

This had to be the life, right? )
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[23 Jun 2012|02:33am]

Left for Merton )
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[22 Jun 2012|05:31pm]

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[20 Jun 2012|06:13pm]

Who: Everyone
What: Stonehenge Music Festival!
Where: Stonehenge
When: All day June 20th, into the early hours of the 21st
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

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[14 Jun 2012|04:30pm]

Who The Slytherlings
What Merton's got issues.
Where According to Lizzie, Askershut.
When Post-show.
Rating Low.
Status Complete.

A cheeky wisp, at that. )
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Owl to Glinda [13 Jun 2012|02:37pm]

[OOC: arrives during the work day written on scented purple stationery and when Glinda opens it, multi-coloured confetti will spring out to rain down on her.]

Gorgeous girl!


FYI we are never moving to Norway. I thought you should know this ASAP in case you get any ideas.

Love you,

P.S. If you could send some porn back with this owl, I would be eternally grateful. ♥
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[03 Jun 2012|12:13am]

Who Merton and Lizzie, for now.
Where Kharkiv.
When Afternoon-ish?
Rating Ahhhh, PG-13ish?
Status Ongoing.

Initially, Lizzie was fully intent on getting Merton to a dance party. )
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