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[19 Apr 2012|12:21am]
Who: Myron and Glinda.
What: Glinda says come over, so Myron comes. Hopefully literally.
Where: Glinda’s flat in wizarding London.
When: Right after this owl.
Rating: TBD. Yes, Glinda. T.B.D. Sadly PG.
Status: Complete.

He couldn’t live without either of them in his life. He refused to even try. )
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[19 Apr 2012|12:46pm]
Who: Electra and Donaghan
What: Donaghan lingers after the defense seminar ends.
Where: The gym in Electra's flat.
When: Retconned the previous post, so this is late afternoon, 4/18
Rating: Myron. Or, er. Do not read at work. That would be inadvisable.
Status: In progress.

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[19 Apr 2012|03:59pm]
Who: Open to all
What: Save the fire crabs! Also enjoy the potions demonstrations, art exhibit, assorted vendor stalls, other various menagerie residents, and have some of Giddy's ice cream birthday cake before it melts.
Where: The Magical Menagerie
When: Thursday, April 19th, early afternoon
Rating: PG-13?
Status: In progress

Merton wasn't sure how true Ptolemy's claims that Merton might be able to persuade people into good causes by using his name were, but he was glad to at least be helping out. The staff had their hands full with the adult fire crabs, which left Merton somehow unofficially in charge of the habitat full of babies, all of whom were either excited by the attention, or worn out and cranky from their busy morning of being handled and gawked at.

They'd had a lunch break earlier, where Merton had broken out the ice cream cake for everyone who'd shown up to volunteer or just check out the activities. Giddy had looked disappointed that morning when Merton had pretended not to know what day it was, but hopefully the surprise cake would make up for it. As would the wallpaper border Merton had added around Giddy's room that morning, with Danny's diversionary assistance and Donaghan's help with the charms. There were now dragons swooping and gliding in endless circles around Giddy's bedroom for as long as he wanted them, which wasn't as good as a real one, but they did have baby fire crabs today to hopefully make up for it.

Speaking of which. The demonstration table that was being used to show why fire crab shells, although pretty, were inferior cauldron material, was beginning to tremble alarmingly again. "Please be careful," Merton said quickly to the woman whose scarf was trailing into the habitat as she leaned over. "They..."


The potion in the cauldron exploded, and right on cue, a dozen startled baby fire crabs spat fire and a fluttery floral scarf caught the flames. Merton grabbed the nearest of the pails of salt water he'd been throwing all day, and tossed it over scarf and fire crab alike. "Sorry," he said at the woman's surprised exclamation. "They've been doing that all day."
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[Owl to Glinda] [19 Apr 2012|06:19pm]

Can I interest you in an evening of wine, photography, and hexwork? I need a Ravenclaw's perspective on some camera-disabling techniques I've been working on. Besides - it might be fun to vamp it up and destroy some film in style, yes?


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[19 Apr 2012|11:13pm]
Owled to the Founding Flat around 2AM )
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