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[05 Apr 2012|08:22am]
Who: Donaghan, Electra, Merton
What: THE GOLDEN FERRET RETURNS. Hospital check-up.
Where: Donaghan's house, then hospital
When: late Wednesday morning
Rating: ...?
Status: In progress

By the time 10:30 arrived, Electra had already done two quick rounds of all the boys' flats, evicted three photographers and four journalists from several bushes and drainage ditches and one rather cunning false dog house, composed an Owl to Kingsley detailing her upcoming schedule and asking for news, visited the hospital to gauge the exits and entrances and points of weakness, and browsed the morning papers. Thank Merlin the rumor about Glinda's pregnancy was patently false, she mused as she stood outside Donaghan's family home, rapping politely on the door. Electra didn't think the world could handle another Wagtail in the works at this juncture.

"Good morning, Mr. Tremlett," she said when the door opened. Donaghan actually appeared to be not only awake, but alert and dressed. What a lovely surprise. Electra smiled up at him and pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head, raising an eyebrow. "Still want company for your appointment?"
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[05 Apr 2012|10:46am]
Who: Donaghan and Glinda
What: Catching up for a pint
Where: The Graphorn and Goblin
When: Thursday evening
Rating: R for sex talk
Status: In progress

The beginning of April was always a deceptively balmy time, during which Londoners shed their coats and scarves and heating charms, only to find that while it might be springtime, England refused to give up her damp chill until at least mid-May. Every year, Glinda thought better of shedding her light cashmere jumpers and exchanging them for spring blouses and lighter-weight skirts, and every year she did it anyway, embracing the first flowers and songbirds, only to step out into the gray London afternoon one dreary evening after work and think, should have brought a jacket.

It was a short walk, thankfully, and brisk enough with the crowds leaving the Ministry and the station, everyone eager to return home, that she didn't mind overly much. She could weather the weather for a few blocks.

She was still grateful for the pub, though; which, while still gloomy and dank in that very traditional pub-like way, was at least sheltered from the clinging fog and the threat of drizzle. There was a fire lit in the back corner, so she headed in that direction, hoping to dry out a bit before her hair curled beyond help. Halfway there, however, she caught sight of someone else's hair, recognizable if not yet completely familiar, and curled in a far more becoming fashion.

"Donaghan," she greeted him, shaking some of the damp from her sleeves as she detoured to meet him. "I haven't kept you waiting long, have I?"
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[05 Apr 2012|02:01pm]
Owled to The Weird Sisters )
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[05 Apr 2012|05:45pm]
Who: Giddy and Merton (Open to Lizzie and Danny)
Where: Chez Pretty.
When: Afternoon April 5th.
Rating: PG-13.

Are you ready? ARE YOU READY?! )
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