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Owl to Glinda [04 Apr 2012|08:00am]

Apologies for the intrusion, I know it's been ages, but you may be unaware that I've left the Aurors and am currently head of security for the Weird Sisters. Myron Owled me rather emphatically regarding your recent hospital visit. I gather you've since recovered, and am very glad to hear it, but I'll admit I am concerned about a possible repeat performance. If you haven't already, I strongly suggest you look into private security of your own, or at the very least have your personal wards updated. I can of course provide for your safety when you're with members of the band, but I'm afraid my efforts are already fairly well engaged outside that. If you'd like a list of recommendations for competent and discreet security options, I'd be happy to provide one.

Hope things are going well outside recent events , and really, I should have sent congratulations over your promotion before this. WWN is lucky to have you, and I'm sure they're well aware of it.


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Owl to Donaghan [04 Apr 2012|03:23pm]

I am not pregnant. At least I hope I'm not. If my last lay is responsible not only for being unremarkable in bed, but also putting a crimp in my sex life for the next eleven years, I'm going to be very pissed off. In any event, it's not Myron's, because that would take either magic or a three-year deferred time-turner that only transported sperm, and somehow that seems unlikely.

Kirley and Myron thought you might not have gotten their message, so you may not get this one either, but just in case you ever want it, my address is on the other side of this parchment. And if you have the time one day this week, I could really use a drink and a friend.

With love,
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