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Weasley Twins - Fred & George

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FIC: Boodwaggles; Fred/George, Percy; Hard R [
8/10/08 - 1:49 pm
Title: Boodwaggles
Author: [info]f13tch3r
Rating: Hard R
Featured Character or Pairing(s): Fred/George, Percy
Summary: George and Percy are plagued by Boodwaggles
Warnings: Incest, Slash, Underaged sex, Canon compliant through Deathly Hallows (except for the slash, of course), Post-War
Word Count: 2,634
Disclaimer: This is not an attempt to infringe on the copyrights held by the Corporations or Individuals that are part of Harry Potter. This is purely for enjoyment and no monetary gain is made from it..
Author's notes: Originally written for [info]weasley_fest on Livejournal as a gift for [info]araindog. I must heap oodles of thanks upon my betas. They are awesome individuals and writers and each gave me excellent feedback that I ate up and applied. [info]eeyore9990 & [info]svartalfur, you rock my world. Any mistakes herein are solely mine own. Pass the tissues.

Boodwaggles )

Concrit greatly appreciated.

x-posted here and there

[ viewing | August 10th, 2008 ]
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