The Potting Shed

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Week 6 Nov. 7th, 2010 @ 10:43 am
Our topics for this week are Centifolia Roses and Moss Roses, as our Plant of the Week, and The Garden in November.

Images are here of the Centifolia Roses and Moss Roses

The handouts are here:

Centifolia Roses )

Moss Roses )

While we were looking at roses, we also had a look at the Large Rose Sawfly, which has devastated rose bushes for some of our members.

Here's how to recognise them:

Large Rose Sawfly Images

And here's some advice from the RHS on dealing with them.

Large Rose Sawfly )

If you don't want to use chemical control, and hand-picking of larvae isn't working for you, one drastic alternative that we discussed is hard pruning of bushes when the sawflies are egg laying - if they lay eggs in the soft stems of new growth, then getting rid of the new growth deprives them of places to lay their eggs. It might take more than one year to eradicate them, it may fail if your neighbour has infested bushes, and you will be short of flowers for that season, but in bad infestations, it might be worth a last ditch try.

Our main topic was the Garden in November. Here's the handout:

The Garden in November )

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