February 2016

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May 2nd, 2015

[info]brainss in [info]we_babble

Back from hiatus!

Hey guys, it's BB!

So I'm back, finally. I just want to say it's been a rough several months and I really appreciate you guys. Thank you so much for hanging in there with me. Any time you guys ever sent me an IM or friendly email, I really, really appreciated it. You guys are great.

I've brought in someone new who I think will be a good fit for the game. Her name is Liv Moore, she works at the hospital morgue, doing work for the Medical Examiners office. She's also a zombie and eats brains. So. There's that.

Any doctor or cop characters are people she'd see or possibly work with. She was a top medical student and if she come across any vigilantes bleeding out, she'd patch them up and keep it a secret. (Since we don't have a Night Nurse, I totally volunteer Liv to fill that role for anyone who might need her services.) She's also one of the undead! And can go into full on zombie mode which gives her super strength and stuff (but also a little hangry)! So many plots and ways to connect!

Let's plot!

PS. Liv also likes hot sauce and super spicey things in case you're not sure what to give her as a welcoming gift. Her tastebuds are kinda undeadish, too, so normal food doesn't do a whole lot for her.