February 2016

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April 7th, 2015

[info]slepttoolong in [info]we_babble

news from RL

Hey everyone! Some of you already know this, but I am presently in the hospital, 36 weeks pregnant, with mild preeclampsia. I'm feeling okay, but my blood pressure keeps jumping around, so they're making me stay here and keeping a closer eye on me. If all goes well, they'll be inducing me at 37 weeks, on April 14th. Might be earlier if my blood pressure doesn't stabilize.

So for now, I'm still here, still planning to be active (because what else am I gonna do in the hospital?), but I'll let you all know when I deliver my little Eileen Cornelia. Who, incidentally, is in absolute perfect health right now.

Love you all!


[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble

Doubles Merging

The time has come!

If you have a double, or more than one double, you need to start thinking about how you're going to resolve them, if you haven't already done that. You can get this done whenever you want during this month, but it HAS to be done by April 30th. Any doubles not resolved by then will just disappear.

You can use whichever journal you wish to use, and resolve your characters in any way that you want.

For those that brought in characters from other games, you NEED to update your applications with your in-game history. Everybody NEEDS to have their character application somewhere in their journal (either on the info page, or in the journal proper).


The City is going to correct itself. This will obviously be something that every single character in game will experience. Up until now, calendars, clocks, internet, television, it has all been running along as if it is around November/December 2013.

As of May 1st, the City will be running on current rl times/dates. Don't worry, there will be an in-game narrative to explain how that works. That narrative will contain the reasoning behind the extraction of the doubles, as well.

SO. Get the things done that you want to get done, and get the doubles out. Please reply to this post to let us know which journal you're going to continue on with so we can right the character list.