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March 3rd, 2015

[info]slepttoolong in [info]we_babble

Bucky & Steve tidbits. Brought to you by Sleep Deprivation.

Fae: I don't think Steve ever, ever once shined Bucky's shoes.

Dyan: He might have, back in 1940, when Bucky was going to job interviews.

Fae: Nope! Bucky made certain that he got to them before Steve could. Sometimes he didn't even take them off his feet when he got home.

... Steve might have taken out the trash, though.

Dyan: Bucky might have worried that the harsh smell might trigger Steve's asthma.

Fae: Yep. I can see Bucky going to his room, shutting the door, opening a window (even in winter) and taking care of that chore, all the whole cursing himself for ever even jokingly mentioned it to that earnest kid in the other room.

Dyan: Steve learned to cook first. But I think Bucky was better at it. Steve made better sandwiches, though.

Fae: Bucky especially liked Steve's sandwiches. He always swore the lettuce was better when Steve made sandwiches. Even if Steve insisted that they used the same lettuce.

Dyan: It was all about placement.

Bucky made the best soup, though. Steve loved Bucky's soups. It was usually all he could eat when he was sick.

Fae: Bucky dated a girl for her herb garden, a few winter months, just so the soup was better. Her name was Milly Van Buren.