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December 26th, 2013

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble

Christmas Wishes!

The Christmas Wishes have been fulfilled, heaven help us all! Robots that have human skin, frogs that weigh over 100 lbs, fake people everywhere, dead/ghosty folks -- MADNESS! WHEEEEE!!!

The City tried a lot of new things tonight, and who knows how they'll actually end up. Wanna plot and need a touch of direction, or just have questions about logistics? Email us! We'll help!

We hope you love every single wish, but if you end up loathing yours, don't worry - we kept the gift receipts in storage. The City has a fairly generous return policy!

Merry Christmas to all -- and to all, a good night!

[info]i_tame in [info]we_babble

Christmas Dinner at Megan & Beauty's!

Right! So, I got eaten alive by modly treats and Christmas, but I know for a FACT that Beauty (and also Megan!) would have made a big to-do about Christmas! AND SO, about two weeks prior to Christmas...

Cream envelopes, adorned by gilded roses and addressed in hand-written calligraphy, appeared at the doors (OR POND!) of the following:

- Erik & Christine Daee
- Logan
- Fred Burkle
- Abraham Sapien
- Dinah Lance
- Jo Harvelle
- Lestat de Lioncourt
- Maggie Garcia
- Bruce Banner & Effie Nigma-Banner
- Edward Nigma & Jonathan Crane
- John Preston
- Mrs. Erik Northman

Inside the envelope was a self addressed, stamped envelope and an RSVP or Decline form, along with:

If you'd like, feel free to reply to this post to say if your characters came or not. A post is going up post-haste (and backdated) for the event, so feel free to jump in or bypass, depending on your current dance card! WHEE!