February 2016

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January 16th, 2012

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble

Scavenger Hunt Challenge Rules!

This will be the only time you're allowed to use your knowledge as a player IN GAME. This challenge is about figuring out what clue belongs to what character. The characters won't know that there's a scavenger hunt going on, so you'll have to come up with reasons for them to be in scenes together.

1. Read the list of clues. If you think you've figured out who a clue is, get them into a log. You can use any one of the characters you have for this task, it will all go to the same point pool for you.
2. The log has to have at least one response from each of you to count.
3. The clues are not just about people participating in the challenge, but all the characters in the game. So while the mods have been disqualified from competing (it's cheating, really), our characters DO have clues.
4. Once your log has been started, place a link to it in the comment under your name in the post, adding which clue number you think it goes to. At the end, we will tall who has the correct answers.
5. These must be new threads/logs.

Bonus - If you think you know which clues belong to YOUR characters, place your answers in a comment here. If you're correct, you'll get these points without needing to do a thread.

We will put each participant's name in a comment on this post Wednesday, that's where you will place your answers. Just place the number of the clue, followed by the thread.

You get 2 weeks for this challenge. Good luck, everyone!

Clues under the cut
clues )