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December 20th, 2008

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble

Weekly Summaries: Dec 1- 13

The zombie invasion is over, and Violet encounters the Hulk.

It takes George's expertise to get a lot of the City's residents healed.

Lee and Susan play on the rooftops.

Jack finds Gwen, and they both find a doctor.

The City would like you to know, it's all okay. Oh, and it's snowing.

Xanadu and Savage spend some time together. Bow chika wow wow?

Dean and Jeannie meet. He thinks she should carry a weapon.

Everybody is trying to steal the same thing. Which makes for the best scene ever.

Angel finds and sort of rescues Anita. She knows what he really is. Silly Angel.

Spock lands in the City. Again. This time, he meets The Doctor. Geekery ensues.

Walter o'Dim and Anthony Crowley in a room together... are we sure we want this happening?

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble


So my lovely co-mod has prodded me and whispered in my ear that it might be fun for all if I started the holiday thing tomorrow instead of the 22nd. So that's what's going to happen. Tomorrow, each group will see a post designated for them. You can start in on them as soon as you see the posts go up. (Groups listed here) You will have until Saturday the 27th at midnight to partake in them.

There really are no rules about these, and remember they're not mandatory. I would also not worry about posting orders for them either. Just have at, and have fun. We hope that everybody will partake as much as they can. We put a lot of thought into each scenario to make them as absurd and fun as they could possibly be for you guys.

Like previously stated, you can still go on with normal gaming things while you do these. Don't think you have to stick to these posts only.

Anyway, there you have it. Fun starts tomorrow and goes until the 27th.

