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December 6th, 2008

[info]i_execute in [info]we_babble

The Much-Anticipated Return


So I'm safely ensconced in Jerusalem, about a 15 minute walk from the Old City. The hubs and I found a cozy studio that was not overly exorbitant and now that our traveling is done, I will have plenty of free computer time while hubs is in school and I work part-time.

So Anita Blake, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce and Dr. James "Jimmy" Wilson have returned to the fold.

Who wants a plot party? Huh? Huh?!?1 You know you want to!

I'm thinking of ways/reasons the City would have kept them out of the zombie times. Any help with that, too, is welcome.

Missed you guys!

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble

Summaries - Zombie month style

It all started with two doctors and an idiot.

Of course, Hannibal realized there might problem first.

Selina and Liandra get stuck in side by zombies. And to think they'd only gone in for a little bit of drink and food.

Jo and Dean get out of bed - zombies issues.

Jennifer finds the man she's been looking for lives close by; Jesse finds out there are zombies.

George might be Queen of the Zombies, but she couldn't keep Jeannie from getting bitten.

Dr. Horrible thrills the zombies, and Simon joins the chorus.

Jesse opens a church up to help the not so helpless, like a Slayer, a woman warrior, an inventor, and a chick with her dinosaur.

Another queen, Susan, arrives in the midst of zombie season to be helped by an oddly heroic person, Harley.

Venkman and Liz take on zombies in true Ghostbusting fashion.

Dick's and Tabs'"date" goes from brawl to worse - zombies!

The leprechaun is back to his normal size, only now he's gotta deal with zombies. Dexter gets bit in the process of running for drinks and safety with said leprechaun.

Crowley saves his car and a Fred from zombies, for a little while anyway.

Sam meets a real magical type, Madame Xanadu; unfortunately, Sam gets bitten. Don't worry - Xanadu will be okay!


Just!Jack really shouldn't let strangers on the street give him a nuzzle, but at least he got hottie Bruce W. to watch him turn.

Jack Napier says, "Hurr hurr hurr." The Henchman run!

Dean saves Xanadu. See, told you she'd be okay.

Pietro meets a doctor who wants to be hero so much that he actually lets the speedster drive.

Vandal opens his castle to the uninfected; Dean can't stay, but Xanadu can.

Two hottie vampires meet by chance, and neither is Lestat. Scary. Scary still is Mona's willingness to teach Karen.

George and Jake are safe from the big bite.

Mother's angry about the zombies and blames Noman's inattention on Fred. Poor Fred?

Three heroes out on the street. Biggest commonalities: death, once dead, undead, vampires. You get the picture.

Firekeeper turns zombie, and Robin tries to keep her safe.

Eventually Simon is going to get a date that doesn't end in death or loss.

Back at the church, things go bad, what with Jesse and part of his harem of heavy hitters turning out all zombie like. (Blame Jeannie; Sweeney does?)

Gwen wonders about the zombies, while Walter plays a zombie and Ace offers to do the usual.

Guy and Doctor Who, this just can't end well.

Spock comes back.

Zombies unite!

River and Indy fight side by side; someone doesn't make it. Zombies, why's it gotta be zombies?

Meanwhile, Selina and Liandra go..ahem..shopping - they've got creamed corn.

Harley tries to make it back to Pammy and the hothouse.

Hannibal's got a need to feed 'cause he got bit, yeah, that's it. George and Oz meet Hannibal on the verge of turning zombie.

A quiet moment for Captain Jack Harkness and Gwen.

Jo goes against her promise - she gets into trouble.

Elizabeth meets and greets the undead who weren't exactly cursed by gold.

Jennifer vs. the squeaky tray!

And the creep factor increases: zombie love. River and Hannibal meet as zombies.

Captain Jack Sparrow gets an admirer, but no booty.

Simon's a doctor, dammit, not a superhero, no matter how much he wants to be one.

Liz gets bitten; what will become of her?

A socially-retarded reaper, a zombified serial killer, and a musician werewolf - yeah, it could get ugly. Or just surreal.

Wait! There are still some living at the church!

Time to make one last stand against the zombie onslaught.

And, you thought the reaper was socially retarded; at least, Simon and George find a cure.

Wash, Kaylee, and Mal defend their home...if only they could get Serenity off the ground.