February 2016

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August 28th, 2008

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble


This is BB, and I will be acting as a temporary mod for the next couple of days. Couple things I'd like to say, but first:

WheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! WHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Ahem. Okay, I'm glad I got that out of my system. While Mila is gone I think we should do something special. I'm not talking about just writing something and being active. I think we need a whee mini challenge. Those who participate will get a prize.

Since we have so many new people I think we should play capture the new people. Here is how it works, you will add the new people to your AIM F-List. When you see them sign on, IM them! Say hello and introduce yourself! Then copy & paste the log of your greeting in the comments. The person with the most "captured" new players wins.

If you're a new person, the same goes for you! Except instead of trying to capture a fellow new player, capture the old players! Again, c&p your log in a comment.

The winner who gets the most people will win an even BIGGER PRIZE.

For new players, I just went though and picked all the new people from the past couple of months or so. The lists are mostly evenish. Notice how I did not include their SNs! Ha, I am tricky like that. You have to find their information on the player contact page and add it on yourself.


Happy hunting!

[info]i_amdamned in [info]we_babble

Hate to do this just as I've joined--and I'm Jen, btw, your new John Constantine--but I'm gonna be going on hiatus this weekend because I'm moving. roommate issues sprung up out of nowhere, and I'll be internetless until I get my first paycheck of my new job. Because of this, I'm going to wait to start threads when I get back.

Meanwhile, if you want to plot, please leave a comment here, and if you have any icons of Aaron Eckhart being particularly Hellblazerish, please link me/share!

[info]i_steal in [info]we_babble


Anyone interested in a thread with Selina Kyle / Catwoman? She hasn't been up to no good in a while. :)

[info]i_killzombies in [info]we_babble

*posts before work*

Hello! It is I, Emma, current keeper of Hansel ([info]i_likebread) and now the keeper of Jim from the movie 28 Days Later. All his info is here and if you haven't seen the movie, here is some info on that as well! Blah, blah, blah. Jim has been in The City for about a year now (so people might know him) and he "works" in Aziraphale's book store. He also likes to carry a bat with him where ever he goes.

I think that is it.

[info]i_resist in [info]we_babble

Hi, all. Liz, player of Gert ([info]i_ranaway) here with another alt. He is from the Age of Apocalypse, which is a terrible place to be from, really; any other characters from post-apocalyptic wastelands, he's gonna know how you feel.

He's a new arrival to the City, and I am open to any and all interactions!

[Edit]: Uhhhh. Might help if I said who it was. :) Pietro Lehnsherr, Quicksilver.

[info]i_knockitdown in [info]we_babble


Hello all! New player/character intro post coming at you now. I'm Beth (Beth2? Bethany? I'm open to suggestions of differentiations). I know a hand full of you from the sister community [info]vigils and am super excited to find a place to play Ebony from The Tribe, an old New Zealand tv show.

It's not the most well known fandom ever (and it definitely doesn't have the best production value) but it's a really fun one. The Tribe is built on the premise that a virus has killed off the entire adult population, leaving kids to fend for themselves (and dress themselves in all kinds of bizarre crazy awesome cracktastic outfits).

The long description of Ebony's personality and past from my application is available on this journal's first post or profile but here's the short version: After a virus killed all the adults in the world, Ebony was part of a powerful, bullying, anarchist-influenced tribe (or gang) called the Locos which essentially just went around destroying and pillaging everything. At first, she was merely the girlfriend of the Loco's leader Zoot, but when he died she took over. Ebony then went on to have interactions with another more benevolent tribe and preceded to manipulate her way into many different positions of power for five seasons of the show.

Although she's been known to show her vulnerable sides in various relationships (particularly with guys or her sisters) Ebony is first and foremost a self-serving, power-hungry bitch. Totally Machiavellian, Ebony is definitely of the "by any means necessary" school of thought, willing to mess with people's heads, use charisma or brute force to get whatever she wants.

And as for plotting, she is 100% completely wide open with many possibilities. It's basically going to blow her mind to see adults walking around the City and I'm excited for that. But I also need to figure out what she'll eventually be doing to get by in the world. I could see Ebony doing the raiding, stealing, and pillaging thing or trying to lead the younger characters into a revolution. But I could just as easily see her taking advantage of someone's kindness for food and a place to live. I just can't see her working any sort of usual job.

I'll be writing up/posting an in-game intro post for her some time tomorrow, but if anybody has any plot ideas or comments or anything before then feel free to comment of poke me on aim ("beth is bookish").

Officially the lamest addition to an intro post ever but I'm afraid that due to unforeseen and extremely complicated real-life issues I'm going to need a hiatus until September 10th (I may return earlier than that but I'm sticking with the 10th just to be on the safe side). I had been totally intending on starting up play today but a real-life situation unexpectedly popped up and I unfortunately will have a limited amount of internet time until the 10th. My apologies for the inconvenience!