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July 23rd, 2008

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble


Okay, so we have another new player (this is so awesome) by the name of Kim. She brings us Tony Stark [info]i_amironman. And BB brings us a new character by the name of Doctor Horrible [info]i_sing, and Sarah also brings us a new character; Liz Sherman of Hellboy fame [info]i_burn.


Like you guys like this game or something. And keep telling people or something.

love you guys

[info]i_sing in [info]we_babble

All the birds are singing that you're gunna die!

He guys, BB here. I've pretty much been watching Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog non-stop for the past three days so I decided to app him hoping that would stop all the songs from getting stuck in my head.

If you haven't seen it, and are interested in watching it, please do not read the history section of the profile. It is very spoiler heavy and I don't want to ruin anything. Some plot bits might come out in role play as well, but I'll try my best to keep it out at least for the scenes I respond to.

So, lastly. MONARCH, JOKER, HENCHMEN... and anyone else who wants to be evil. Let's make an evil league of evil, shall we? Doctor Horrible says its okay if we go along with a different name as long as it's evil or horrible enough.

Edit: Oh and umm... being around my character or somewhere he's been may cause yours to break out into song. Just in case you ever wanted an excuse. >.> *cough*

[info]i_amironman in [info]we_babble

Hey there everyone! I'm Kim and I play your shiny new Tony Stark in the City. I was drawn into the game by a random post looking for a Tony on a comm by your Pepper Potts mun and I'm really excited to be here. I'll be putting Tony's history and such up in a few so anyone can give it a looksie. I'm very open to plot and if anyone cares to hit me up, my AIM name is DarkMageRising.  I'm looking forward to playing with everyone.