February 2016

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July 4th, 2008

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble

Some Things For You

1. Barbara Gordon, Maxine Gibbons, and Kaylee Frye are now available for play.

2. The ban on Xmen characters has been lifted. As has the ban on Star Wars, LOTR and a couple others.

3. The Deceased page has been updated

4. The story has been updated

5. After the activity check (July 12) I have a huge challenge planned. It should be fun for everybody, but it's going to take some serious dedication. When the sign up post goes up, really consider if you can go through with this challenge, because if you say yes and then don't do it, it's going to ruin it for everybody.

6. I'm going to be undertaking setting up an archive of everything that was written on GreatestJournal. It's going to be in the community [info]we_archive. Nobody will be able to join this community (there's no reason for it), but everybody will be able to access it. I'm also going to set up a summary of this, which will be easy because I'll just have to change the links. It'll just be a pain in the ass.

7. It was previously stated that the OOC community wasn't to be used for asking for plot, or just talking to one another, and I'm recending that. Use the OOC board for what you want. It's your place to communicate with other players, put up funny things, do whatever. It's your community. Just be sure you're posting in the game too ;)

And a special thank you to those of you who did ads for me. I really appreciate it a lot.

As always, if you have questions or ideas, please feel free to ask.

[info]i_look in [info]we_babble


This may or may not turn into anything, but since this is a multi-fandom game it seems appropriate.

Complete the following sentence: My fandom ______________________________.

Also, hospital scene still on. Just altered. I will be IMing peeps.