February 2016

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April 20th, 2008

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble

Little things

I've been without internet access for a couple of days. Sorry for my sudden disappearance. I thought that I would be able to be immediately hooked up when I arrived in Tucson, but it just didn't happen.


The challenge is now over, but that doesn't mean your logs have to be. You can continue with them until they run their course. It's not a problem. I just wanted them started. I'll get to the icons as soon as I can.

And OMG thank you guys for everything that you've said. It really means a lot to me that you enjoy this game so much. I really didn't expect to see anything like that when I finally got to check in. But it's such a lovely thing to be surprised with.

Thank you again.

I'll get to my regular modly duties later tonight when the parents have gone to bed. (part of edit 2: I lied. I probably won't do anything until this weekend. If I change my mind, you'll see it)

EDIT: By the way, we've got two (technically three) new characters! Welcome Wash ([info]i_soar) and 21 & 24 of Venture fame ([info]i_hench)

EDIT 2: I'd like to remind everybody of [info]character_love for all your squeeing needs. Feel free to join it and spread the love.

[info]i_shoot in [info]we_babble

Vacation Notice

I'm sorry to drop this onto people so quickly, but I will be away for most of this week, being able to update again on Saturday. Gotta love Spring Break.

Sorry to those I'm currently in threads with, I know I've been slow. Saturday will be the day that they will all be updated, promise.

-Christine (who plays Jo)