War Is Coming Communications.

February 16th, 2015

February 16th, 2015

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Left at the apartment door of Allison Argent

- expensive, state of the art, strong but nimble bow [with scope attachment]
- couple quivers of arrows [silver arrowheads]
- envelope with $500 gift card inside

There is an anonymous note addressed to her that reads:

From an admirer, giving you well wishes and hopes that this gift will serve as adequate protection in this place. May your days be filled with victory, contentment, and joy.

No evil...is this filter even necessary anymore

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Anyone who can hold a paintbrush and use it properly want to have some free drinks and some kind of food, IDK what yet, probably pizza but then I want fries so pizza and fries. But anyway, eat and drink and help me paint a whole bunch of viking ships, dragon games and the like?

Stefan Salvatore doesn't get a say. You already signed your life away to me for helping with this party.

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I guess I have a secret admirer. Thanks, whoever you are.
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