War Is Coming Communications.

December 20th, 2014

December 20th, 2014

Filtered to Sarah and Cosima

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I need to talk to you two.

There's a way to help Cosima. But, it involves Kira.

Filtered to Lydia

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I think I've found someone to do the baking.  They won't be as good as Jane.  But, they're native, so won't just disappear.  So, we can keep the business going until she comes back.

Do you want to meet them?

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What's the plan for Christmas and Boxing Day? I know, five days off, a little late, but still getting used to the whole normal living again.

I sort of want to go skiing this winter, seems it could be a good time.

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This is the first time I've been here during one of these bauble things.

I really thought I knew what I was gonna wish for, but this....it's a big decision. I didn't know it'd be so hard.

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So what kind of stuff do people wish for here?

[Steve Rogers]
Hi! So, I don't know if you saw, but my sister is back. So I don't need you to act as my guardian anymore. But thanks for offering, before.
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