War Is Coming Communications.

October 25th, 2014

October 25th, 2014

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[Abby M]

My gorgeous, brilliant Abby:

There is a party. With costumes and drinks and debauchery.

Come with me?

[All of Kon's Friends!]

I know a lot of us are planning on going to Marcel's party BUT it is a very special day. October 31st is the date chosen as Kon's birthday and that requires celebrating. So with that being said, I thought we could allmeet around 5pm at Applebees. Have some burgers or something, celebrate Kon, and then split off for whatever Halloween insanity we may have planned.

Who's in so I can save a table?

Against Evil

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I think I might apply for a job at the zoo. It almost feels like going backwards, but it could be a very good step, it’s a good zoo too, seems worth trying for yeah?

Against Evil

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It feels weird being in school here versus what it was like at home. The university here is just so huge compared to where I was going at home. Luckily there are maps of the campus, otherwise it might have been possible to get lost.
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