War Is Coming Communications.

January 24th, 2014

January 24th, 2014


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do you want to

do you want to have dinner with us tomorrow.

[marian and robin]
i think ive gone mad possibly.

No Evil. None. Whatsoever.

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School started back this week, didn't it? Just another part of my life that's all screwed up

[Doctor...Ten. That's Weird]



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There is some sort of danger. Regarding my son. He is so dark right now

I am going to track him and bring him home, however should anyone hear from him first, please inform me. It may help my search.


I have found Loki. He is home and safe but not all together well.

For those of you who may have been friends with her, Darcy Lewis has been returned to her world.

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[Family sans Rebekah and Henrik]

She's doing somewhat better I think. There was crying and I think that's a good thing.


I'm the one she saw kill her. In hell. Over and over. I'd disown her, insult her, and tear out her heart. Hardly surprising I suppose.

She also told me.

She took my place. Knowing I wouldn't have done the same for her, for any of them. Only you.


How are you settling in little brother?

[assume Nordic!]

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...what in the world...I


I'm sorry

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i like riding star rose she wants to see you

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So many bloody people on my ship I can't even
trapped and

No one remove the bananas in the console room, they're an experiment of delicious flavour.

[ooc: note-when they walk in each banana has a tag of emotions on it in jars. There are about ten with different human emotions. One is entirely rotted but its in a jar and has no tag at all' The Doctor is bored and testing things at random. idk.]

Filtered to Elijah, Kol and Rebekah

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Since Caroline can be quite persuasive when she wants to be...

I agree we tell him. Henrik. But this must come from us alone. As much as our respective partners may mean to us, this is family.

I have to admit I'm actually at a loss for how to explain my werewolf heritage without him running in fear so for possibly the first time in a thousand years, I'm open to ideas.
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