War Is Coming Communications.

November 18th, 2013

November 18th, 2013

No evil/Lord Split Personality/DoucheDemon of the Century

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Okay so my tracking attempts have all just fallen flat. I mean, I knew they would. Bastard isn't an idiot. But I tried. And will continue to try because it's what I do and maybe there will be a backdoor I can slip into that he didn't think about. Maybe.

BUT in the meantime, this is really awesome! They're colorizing old photos from the 1800s and 1900s!


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So, how is everything going, then?

You've been weird levels of quiet. What gives?

Texts to Watson

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Filtered Against Evil and Children

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I don't want to alarm anyone...

No, that's a lie. I do. We should be alarmed.

I'm pretty sure he has John. Thats who he's talking about. I went to check on bring him tea this morning. There's no sign of him. And now Moriarty is saying... Well. Bit obvious.

I'm sorry. I should have done more to


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We are ready to test the spell, if you are. I have given Crowley a safe location to stay while he is channeling his power to attempt to thwart me; I will summon you to another alternative location, in case someone is able to trace Crowley's power-use to your arrival location.

There will be a spell in place to restrict movement upon arrival, but I will remove it as soon as I am certain it is functional - and if you have any objection to it, I will refrain from testing that at all, of course. No harm will come to you. You have my word.

Are there any concerns before we proceed?


I am close to finding him. Be ready.

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Missing something else?

Sloppy sloppy Lawrence

No evil, no Lord Harry, and really really no Moriarty

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You know, any time anyone wants to take advantage of the fact I'm keeping the little shit talking to, I don't know, find him, would be great.

ETA: [Filtered to Kol]

So, I'm off to do a thing with Loki, attempt to deal with the little irritant. Please say you're okay be a dear and stay out of trouble? He's just trying to wind me up, he can't really get to you as long as you don't do anything stupid.


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Does the offer for the knife still stand?


Just want to thank you all for standing by me through this.

If anything does happen...well. You all know.
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