War Is Coming Communications.

April 28th, 2013

April 28th, 2013

Filtered against evil

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Has anyone seen Stefan lately? I was just wondering...he's been quiet for awhile.

Texts to Regina

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»I'm bored, you should find someway to entertain me.

»Or not?

»Either you're ignoring me or....nope, I'm pretty sure you're just ignoring me. The question is why. Is this about Stacy?

Filtered Against Evil

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So let me get this straight. All Lucifer needs to do to win this war is send all of his shapeshifters out after us looking like children. Maybe if the demons just possess an army of kids, we'll be golden.

Seriously guys? Seriously. All of you, back to Demons 101. Those aren't kids. That bastard who attacked me wasn't some sweet innocent child. Rakshasa aren't your ordinary demons. To become one, they had to be evil in their human lives. Murderers, rapists, and perverts. Truly evil acts are what earn them the title.

So go right ahead and cry for him. It. Because it wasn't a human being and it certainly wasn't a child. Remember that when one is playing slice and dice on you.

Now it took every fucking thing I had to type that legibly, I'm going back to bed. Cause, you know, I was attacked. By that damned thing. In case you forgot while you were mourning a goddamned demon

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OOC: Forward dated to 3am but odds are I will be halfway to sleep by then

House of Lust + Katherine

I'm sorry if I worried you, I just needed a few days alone.


Tell me you found something to curb your boredom in my absence.


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You. Me. Lunch.

We’re doing this. I’ll even let you pick where. Hopefully not in your bed though because I hear crumbs attract a whole bunch of ants. And I doubt you want ants in your bed.

Filtered against Evil

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Thank to everyone who came to the performances and supported the theatre. Really, it means a lot.

And Lois and Clark? The review was lovely, thank you.

filtered against evil

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Montana was beautiful! I did take some pictures for you guys...

[several scenic pictures of wooded areas and mountains go here. There's also one picture of Charlie looking frightened by a perfectly friendly looking horse.]
The horse's name was Buster. He was actually very gentle and didn't try to bite me or throw me off of his saddle or anything.

That was the best vacation ever!

filtered to Scott

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I kind of wanted to ask you something.
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